Will Thanos get a rework???

MajinMajin Member Posts: 14
As title states it would be really nice to have a rework on Thanos, especially after the movies and the black order we got now. I know he’s a trophy champ and a handful of summoners actually have him but that would set him apart and make him worth while and actually usable.

Perhaps a persistent charge mechanic in where he collects infinity stones from defeating different class champs and giving him different abilities with each, e.g. the reality stone could give him a lmd like nick fury maybe. I’d be interested to see if you guys are thinking of reworking this guy, please kabam give the mad Titan a buff he deserves so we can use him 👍


  • Lvernon15Lvernon15 Member Posts: 11,599 ★★★★★
    Since he’s so rare I don’t think he should really be changed, he’s a trophy, or at least if he is changed do it last
  • Eb0ny-O-M4wEb0ny-O-M4w Member Posts: 14,159 ★★★★★
  • RookiieRookiie Member Posts: 4,821 ★★★★★
    There were some rework suggestions going on in this thread if you're interested in reading them:


    I wrote one and there was an excellent one written by another dude right after mine.

    Doubt they'll update him since he's a trophy champ, but it would be cool nonetheless.
  • MajinMajin Member Posts: 14
    See those are some great ideas in that thread.

    Don’t get me wrong I’m not saying he should be the most powerful in the game but have a bit utility and usability especially with Corvus and proxima synergies that could be introduced. I get that he’s a trophy champ but at same point they’re performing reworks for champs that are deemed useless and just sit and collect dust, Thanos is a special pull and should be treated as such sane kang, what’s the point in having a character playable in game that can’t perform.

    Weapon x is classed as trophy champ and he’s one of the top champs you can get and use for a lot of content, I just think the other “trophy” champs need some love.
  • BodhizenBodhizen Member Posts: 304 ★★
    That other dude was me. Here's the final version of my Thanos rework.
  • MajinMajin Member Posts: 14
    That’s some sweet work you put in there and would be awesome if kabam were to listen, even with that he wouldn’t be overpowering as it’s rare you’d find all those champs lined up in a single path anyway, very nice work my friend 👍
  • NeotwismNeotwism Member Posts: 1,803 ★★★★★
    Trophy champs should get reworked last. There are too many champs that need fixed first that every player has or will have before they need to consider messing with trophy champs. Even with doing 2 buffs a month it will take over 2 years just to rework the poor champs currently in the game. That doesn't even factor in other champs that will decline in usefulness as the game progresses in the years to come.
  • ButtehrsButtehrs Member Posts: 7,177 ★★★★★
    Not unless they plan on making him available to the masses lol.
  • MajinMajin Member Posts: 14
    Tbh honest in some degree he is available to the masses just once a year from gifting events. Don’t want to cause an argument but there are champs available in crystals that I really want and still can’t for the life of me secure them after hundreds of openings.

    Same with getting Thanos it’s a chance, rng, yeah sure his drop rate is ridiculously low but doesn’t stop people getting him, earlier this year I believe 6 people in my old alliance got him as 5* within a few days of each other, multiply that by a few thousands alliance then there’s a lot of 5* Thanos knocking about 😂

    I just want to know if it’s on the cards, it’d be better having the mad Titan redeem his name rather then having a buffed up iron patriot 😂
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