Herald Difficulty

Is it just me or the nodes combinantion are ridiculous? For me the Aarkus boss was harder than the crossbones from 6.1.5.
It was a bad experience comparing to the northern expeditions in canadian dificulty.
Do you have any thoughts?
It was a bad experience comparing to the northern expeditions in canadian dificulty.
Do you have any thoughts?
- Canadian Northern Expeditions was tough, but I was able to practice on master and epic first, prior to jumping in
- In Northern Expeditions there was 0 energy cost, and you could challenge the event over and over again, so if you had trouble or brought the wrong champs, you could just try it again
- It is not a stretch to say that Aarkus falls into the "bring the right champ or die" category of bosses, but again without having time to practice against that particular boss/node combination will make it potentially more challenging.
In a way I'll have to admit that Canadian difficulty spoiled me a bit. If it is supposed to be the next level above Epic I get why it is harder. I think when it comes to eventually creating a Caviler difficulty for the monthly quests what we saw from Northern Expeditions may be the effort level needed for completion, and what we are seeing now with Herald difficulty may be indicitive of what will be needed for 100% exploration. I guess time will tell.
Save it for a day that favours your roster and get all your rewards then
Before I saw it was only 1 entry, I was planning on bringing in completely different champs lol. The 1 entry made me look at which enemies I would be facing and I changed my team based on that.
There's no need to rush this stuff the day it comes out. Just wait and see which day will be easiest for your roster...if all days seem difficult, then maybe Herald difficulty isn't for you.