Herald Difficulty

ChrisBass13ChrisBass13 Member Posts: 18
Is it just me or the nodes combinantion are ridiculous? For me the Aarkus boss was harder than the crossbones from 6.1.5.
It was a bad experience comparing to the northern expeditions in canadian dificulty.
Do you have any thoughts?


  • Wakandas_FinestWakandas_Finest Member Posts: 862 ★★★★
    I one shot vision with sym supreme didn’t seem that difficult to me
  • Notsavage19Notsavage19 Member Posts: 2,817 ★★★★★
    Canadian was just easy. It shouldn't be a comparison to the difficulty of future SQs.
  • LormifLormif Member Posts: 7,369 ★★★★★
    easier than uncollected, only a couple buffs. Any nullify champ should be able to control his buffs and atleast keep you neutral.
  • Andyball270Andyball270 Member Posts: 303 ★★★
    Just need the right type of champs. Doom wrecked him for me
  • Morpheus_123Morpheus_123 Member Posts: 792 ★★★
    Obviously it's easier for those with the 'right' champions, or have done homework on who to take into the quest.
  • Hera1d_of_Ga1actusHera1d_of_Ga1actus Member Posts: 2,441 ★★★★★
    edited August 2020
    Pretty difficult honestly (not ridiculous though, it’s a fun challenge), more difficult than Canadian but not more difficult than this recent boss rush we got. Also the dual path is nice ad it dictates which type of mystic you take in, good event all in all
  • HolyLegoStepHolyLegoStep Member Posts: 145
    Sneakyko said:

    Easy for **** who are flexing cuz they have 5* doom and sym supreme but hard for us who don't have them

    As in you could make that argument for pretty much any hard defender
    What are you going to do when you gonna do when you fight a vision aarkus in act 6
    I'm gonna whale, but using units for a side quest come on
  • HolyLegoStepHolyLegoStep Member Posts: 145

    Easy for **** who are flexing cuz they have 5* doom and sym supreme but hard for us who don't have them

    If you don't have good mystics why not wait for the classes to rotate
    So you mean we have to miss until it rotates
  • GMAX77GMAX77 Member Posts: 512 ★★★

    Is it just me or the nodes combinantion are ridiculous? For me the Aarkus boss was harder than the crossbones from 6.1.5.
    It was a bad experience comparing to the northern expeditions in canadian dificulty.
    Do you have any thoughts?

    Yes. The difficulty was noticeably more challenging for me than during the Canadian quest. But here are some things I had to consider:
    - Canadian Northern Expeditions was tough, but I was able to practice on master and epic first, prior to jumping in
    - In Northern Expeditions there was 0 energy cost, and you could challenge the event over and over again, so if you had trouble or brought the wrong champs, you could just try it again
    - It is not a stretch to say that Aarkus falls into the "bring the right champ or die" category of bosses, but again without having time to practice against that particular boss/node combination will make it potentially more challenging.

    In a way I'll have to admit that Canadian difficulty spoiled me a bit. If it is supposed to be the next level above Epic I get why it is harder. I think when it comes to eventually creating a Caviler difficulty for the monthly quests what we saw from Northern Expeditions may be the effort level needed for completion, and what we are seeing now with Herald difficulty may be indicitive of what will be needed for 100% exploration. I guess time will tell.
  • LormifLormif Member Posts: 7,369 ★★★★★

    Easy for **** who are flexing cuz they have 5* doom and sym supreme but hard for us who don't have them

    I did it all with a r4 5* vtd. You dont need anyone special except for the last boss, it will just take longer.
  • HolyLegoStepHolyLegoStep Member Posts: 145

    Obviously it's easier for those with the 'right' champions, or have done homework on who to take into the quest.

    Aah I should have done the homework with my 5* moon night bruh
  • GamerGamer Member Posts: 11,447 ★★★★★
    I’m use 2 revies my own mistake I’m run in to hes sp2 twice My mistake Hav to paid for that’s but doom works great if u hav md to and no sucide
  • HolyLegoStepHolyLegoStep Member Posts: 145
    edited August 2020
    Lormif said:

    Easy for **** who are flexing cuz they have 5* doom and sym supreme but hard for us who don't have them

    I did it all with a r4 5* vtd. You dont need anyone special except for the last boss, it will just take longer.
    He gets to his sp3 hell fast and he melts my health with his frostbite and stuff
  • LormifLormif Member Posts: 7,369 ★★★★★

    Lormif said:

    Easy for **** who are flexing cuz they have 5* doom and sym supreme but hard for us who don't have them

    I did it all with a r4 5* vtd. You dont need anyone special except for the last boss, it will just take longer.
    He gets to his sp3 hell fast and he melts my health with his frostbite and stuff
    reread my comment very slowly.
  • HolyLegoStepHolyLegoStep Member Posts: 145
    Lormif said:

    Lormif said:

    Easy for **** who are flexing cuz they have 5* doom and sym supreme but hard for us who don't have them

    I did it all with a r4 5* vtd. You dont need anyone special except for the last boss, it will just take longer.
    He gets to his sp3 hell fast and he melts my health with his frostbite and stuff
    reread my comment very slowly.
    I totally read your comment and I'm complaining that when average health of every other fight is 130k why they made him like 270k and the node combinations r very hard
  • HolyLegoStepHolyLegoStep Member Posts: 145
    Sneakyko said:

    Lormif said:

    Lormif said:

    Easy for **** who are flexing cuz they have 5* doom and sym supreme but hard for us who don't have them

    I did it all with a r4 5* vtd. You dont need anyone special except for the last boss, it will just take longer.
    He gets to his sp3 hell fast and he melts my health with his frostbite and stuff
    reread my comment very slowly.
    I totally read your comment and I'm complaining that when average health of every other fight is 130k why they made him like 270k and the node combinations r very hard
    Because he’s the boss maybe?
    200k health would have been fine but a direct 140k health jump...
  • TheLegend27TheLegend27 Member Posts: 1,319 ★★★★★
    I looked at the enemies before I entered because I knew we only had 1 entry. I saw the Aarkus and knew my Doom would absolutely destroy him (and he did lol). I definitely encourage people to look at the enemies and buffs before entering and to just wait until the quest rotates to a different class if the current one looks too challenging.

    Before I saw it was only 1 entry, I was planning on bringing in completely different champs lol. The 1 entry made me look at which enemies I would be facing and I changed my team based on that.

    There's no need to rush this stuff the day it comes out. Just wait and see which day will be easiest for your roster...if all days seem difficult, then maybe Herald difficulty isn't for you.
  • LormifLormif Member Posts: 7,369 ★★★★★

    Sneakyko said:

    Lormif said:

    Lormif said:

    Easy for **** who are flexing cuz they have 5* doom and sym supreme but hard for us who don't have them

    I did it all with a r4 5* vtd. You dont need anyone special except for the last boss, it will just take longer.
    He gets to his sp3 hell fast and he melts my health with his frostbite and stuff
    reread my comment very slowly.
    I totally read your comment and I'm complaining that when average health of every other fight is 130k why they made him like 270k and the node combinations r very hard
    Because he’s the boss maybe?
    200k health would have been fine but a direct 140k health jump...
    act 6.,1 sentinel, the minimum boss fight that is required for the people that this is targeted at, has 361k health and 8 node effects.
  • LormifLormif Member Posts: 7,369 ★★★★★
    TomerP said:

    I looked at the enemies before I entered because I knew we only had 1 entry. I saw the Aarkus and knew my Doom would absolutely destroy him (and he did lol). I definitely encourage people to look at the enemies and buffs before entering and to just wait until the quest rotates to a different class if the current one looks too challenging.

    Before I saw it was only 1 entry, I was planning on bringing in completely different champs lol. The 1 entry made me look at which enemies I would be facing and I changed my team based on that.

    There's no need to rush this stuff the day it comes out. Just wait and see which day will be easiest for your roster...if all days seem difficult, then maybe Herald difficulty isn't for you.

    If they make it a limited entry event, they should allow you to preview the map without having to waste time on going to YouTube for that....
    That would defeat the purpose of making it limited entry. You go in prepared for a wide range of issues, or you wait for someone else to do that and let you know.
  • TomerPTomerP Member Posts: 94
    It doesn't defeat anything, since YouTube exists. It'd just save you the time.
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