Juggernaut buff concept

Let's start with a sp effect rework
Sp1: juggernaut gains 5 furies each giving him +1000 attack for 10 seconds and stunning the opponent for 1 second plus if juggernaut was having debuffs on him he purifies those
Sp2: juggernaut gain a passive precision giving +700 attack 3 cruelty buffs granting 1200 attack in total and true strike plus 5 furies granting 1000 attack
Sp3: if juggernaut's opponent was having any debuffs on them they will double each of those debuffs plus juggernaut places an Armor break debuff on the opponent for 30 seconds reducing Armor rating by 3000 and also granting him 5 furies each giving him 1000 attack
Basic attacks rework
Each time juggernaut lands a heavy he with stagger also places a Armor break for 4 seconds
After every 5 hit combo he gains a fury buff for 5 seconds granting him 700 attack rating
Immunities: Immune to concussion reverse controlled and bleed ( all these stats were for a 4* 5/50 juggernaut)
Correct me if you need something to get changed cuz I'm a idiot
Sp1: juggernaut gains 5 furies each giving him +1000 attack for 10 seconds and stunning the opponent for 1 second plus if juggernaut was having debuffs on him he purifies those
Sp2: juggernaut gain a passive precision giving +700 attack 3 cruelty buffs granting 1200 attack in total and true strike plus 5 furies granting 1000 attack
Sp3: if juggernaut's opponent was having any debuffs on them they will double each of those debuffs plus juggernaut places an Armor break debuff on the opponent for 30 seconds reducing Armor rating by 3000 and also granting him 5 furies each giving him 1000 attack
Basic attacks rework
Each time juggernaut lands a heavy he with stagger also places a Armor break for 4 seconds
After every 5 hit combo he gains a fury buff for 5 seconds granting him 700 attack rating
Immunities: Immune to concussion reverse controlled and bleed ( all these stats were for a 4* 5/50 juggernaut)
Correct me if you need something to get changed cuz I'm a idiot
And what they did to hulkbuster
So you enjoy playing them.
But I'm sure if devs decided a buff for him they will provide a good one.