Herald is a false hope that only deplete our resources.

Yeah, all the mcoc gods talking like the bosses are meh this and that. Well keep the opinions to yourselves. Non of the bosses are easy. I was putting my hope on void, which unfortunately turned out to be another parasites for resources and time. It's ridiculous that I can't even beat epic boss void. And potion and units are not worth spending compared to rewards.
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Rewards should be earned, not given.
Node was tricky this time in epic unlike other days were it's very easy
If you run suicides that’s a different matter. Even Aarkus and Doom are absolutely fine. Aarkus can be easily done with any nullify champ, Doom is just intercept and evade his specials. Don’t bring buff heavy champions and if you have shock on you back the f*** away.
Have to say, if this is the response we’re getting right now, I’m worried for these forums next month when the full EQ launches. It’s going to be a bloodbath.
Wait for more fight videos to come out and come back to the event later in the month would be my advice.
Herald feels like more of a roster check than Canadian, the effective boss counters initially feel quite narrow which kind of goes against what kabam said they were going to do with the direction of content going forwards.
But seeing as you wanted to share.. i'll share as well.. it seemed pretty easy.. although that could be because I have a good team (high level champs) for it.. as it's intended.. if you don't have a good team for it.. then you drop down a difficulty.. that's why they have multiple difficulties.. so that everyone can find an encounter suitable to their skill/roster level..
They said this difficulty was going to be hard and it is. Don't ask for things you aren't ready for. Also, instead of complaining, post your roster, as for help and allow others to give you insight on how they did it.