Am i ready to defeat Collector?

So i am on act 5.1.5 and close to Collector and my team is 4 star 5/50 Blade, 4 star 4/40 Warlock, 4 star 2/20 Awakened Red hulk, 5 star 2/35 Corvus and 5 star 2/25 Sinister. Am i ready for Collector?
Am i ready to defeat Collector? 27 votes
Post edited by Kabam Habanero on
Every day i would wake up and take a long walk through treacherous terrain just to get a t2bc, half the time I would get ambushed by a darn moonknight, who in those days was a hassle to rumble against, yes sir they don’t make moonknights like they use to. Most of the time that rascal ain’t even drop a measly bit of shards.
No sir They don’t make players like they use to either, many have grown soft they need some prosper discipline and edumacation. I say bring them all out to the field and have them rumble till only one stands. Yes sir that’s how I achieved my titles