How to use the 2017 rankup gems

I got the 2017 rankup gems, but I cant use it on spidygwen or carnage beacuse its asking me to use the class specific gems first. How do I bypass that so I can use the 2017 gem on 2017 champs. 

Please allow us to choose what gem we’d like to use.
I just wanted to drop in to let you all know that I've raised this to the team. It's set to use the most restrictive Rank Up gems at this time, but now that we're in a place where the 2017 Champion Gems hit such a wide range of Champions, it's a little harder to judge which would actually be more restrictive for some Players.
This won't be solved quickly, but it's on the Radar now.
At a minimum, could work exactly like those others, ie from Inventory would pop-up a list of available Champs to use the Rankup Gem on.
Or from Champ pop-up would just be available from that Use Item button if that Champ qualified, like Awake Gem Usage does.
(although would have to show a Gold cost, for those that require Gold, on the APPLY button).
Or for better/complete implementation, would show list of ALL your Champs that are of the qualifying YEAR and Class for the Gem -and- who are either at Current or Lesser Rank, and then could just have “disabled/grayed” status for those that are below the currently needed Rank for that Gem.
Or maybe even 2 different “unavailable” status types, one showing (as in above) from those champs you have but currently below rank, and another showing any other potential Champ that you don’t even have on your Roster yet (that would qualify if you ever were to get them).
**will be nice way to see who all the potential champs are, to know who else you may want to use it on in future instead.