Looking for AQ focused alliance ( Discord for communication)

I'm looking for map 4/5 alliance, +100mill score.
Not a fan of the new AW.
6.5k prestige
Discord: FAT BAGz#5951


  • DarkMalachi2DarkMalachi2 Member Posts: 73
    Just so you're familiar with our attitude, we've determined that we can grow more by using our AQ glory for rankup items instead of potions and revives for war. We were on the Platinum level when we made that decision. We fight wars hard, but we don't waste much resources in the efforts. Being able to use our glory exclusively for ranking up champs more than compensate for the lesser war season rewards.

    Our Line ID is topffforum
  • Heisenberg128Heisenberg128 Member Posts: 168
    Are you ok to join line?
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