Arsoz said: Crcrcrc said:Old spider gwen before the buff Nah karnak
Crcrcrc said:Old spider gwen before the buff
Old spider gwen before the buff
OneManArmy said: Shøcker said:In my opinion BWCV has the most powerful SP1...but I also think that Ghost could have it tooWhat do you think? Bwcv doesnt even come close to ghost or ms dude
Shøcker said:In my opinion BWCV has the most powerful SP1...but I also think that Ghost could have it tooWhat do you think?
In my opinion BWCV has the most powerful SP1...but I also think that Ghost could have it tooWhat do you think?
OneManArmy said: Lvernon15 said:Ramped Morningstar Damn right. Ramped up and on all crits i can get over 150k s1s. Its absoluttely insane.
Lvernon15 said:Ramped Morningstar
Ramped Morningstar
Qfury said: OneManArmy said: Lvernon15 said:Ramped Morningstar Damn right. Ramped up and on all crits i can get over 150k s1s. Its absoluttely insane. Wait.. Really?
Sneakyko said:Imma go diablo
Imma go diablo
Moot4Life said: Sneakyko said:Imma go diablo if that counts, then bpcw should have the biggest if he tanks an sp3 with the heimdall synergy while reflective armor is active
ItsDamien said: Arsoz said: Crcrcrc said:Old spider gwen before the buff Nah karnak Old Spidey Gwen had the only un-dexable SP1 in the game