Yes. Void is a fantastic champion, and while his dupped ability does make a huge difference, he is able to access his first set of debuffs on the majority of quests. The awakening ability is more needed in longer fights. Congrats.
He's good at R4, strong flame immunity with no damaging debuffs or buffs make him a versatile to counter to lots of stuff. I take him into AW unawakened.
Depending on where you are in the content. I think the higher the rank he is in the earlier content, the less chance you will even go into fear of void before you even end fight. I think you can definitely r4 him. He becomes limited in longer fight unduped as you have to cycle through all your debuffs after they expire.
My Void remains at R2, since I'd have to take him to R4 to come close to outperforming my 5/50 Awakened 4* version.
But still, you're halfway to an awesome champ - congrats! And worth R3 if you don't already have an Awakened 4* at 4/40 or above.
I take him into AW unawakened.