Who’s the missing champ holding you back from a piece of content?

Wanted to see if anyone else was like me just hoping for that one character to help them break the content wall.
For me it’s Human Torch. I’ve been absolutely dying to explore Abyss since I completed it, but I cannot ever pull him. 5* basic, dual crystal, cav, grandmaster, you name it. The dang reel just never stops on him.
Anyone else have that one champ you’re waiting for?
For me it’s Human Torch. I’ve been absolutely dying to explore Abyss since I completed it, but I cannot ever pull him. 5* basic, dual crystal, cav, grandmaster, you name it. The dang reel just never stops on him.
Anyone else have that one champ you’re waiting for?
Have @ 5/65
Aegon (200)
Fury (200)
Torch - have a gem but waiting to see if I dupe him from a dual crystal
Sym supreme
other than that probably doom but he's not game breaking for me currently
I do have a 4* duped Doom from pulling him twice from a 4* and a legendary crystal but that is just like salt in the wound since 4*s are useless at where I’m at now progression wise and I realize everytime I use him in arena how much I love playing him.