CASE: Proxima's block offensive ability reduction [Inconsistency]

Here is how her block works: "Opponents have 200% Offensive Ability Accuracy reduction when Proxima Midnight Blocks an attack".
So I tested Doom's Unblockable SP1 against her. Not happening.
However, there was one time it did happen but did record the fight.
Now when you use Proxima against Doom's Unblockable SP1, Doom gets the Unblockable.
If that is not inconsistency, I don't know what is.
Is the Unblockable registered as defensive ability accuracy when you're the attacker? Doesn't sound right.
Same thing happened when fighting Hulkbuster.
Here are the pics.

So I tested Doom's Unblockable SP1 against her. Not happening.
However, there was one time it did happen but did record the fight.
Now when you use Proxima against Doom's Unblockable SP1, Doom gets the Unblockable.
If that is not inconsistency, I don't know what is.
Is the Unblockable registered as defensive ability accuracy when you're the attacker? Doesn't sound right.
Same thing happened when fighting Hulkbuster.
Here are the pics.

Proxima's block Offensive Ability Accuracy reduction works when:
1) You are attacking her while she is blocking.
2) If you chain your specials after combo, that special is considered 'hit into her block' which will reduce 200% Offensive Ability Accuracy.
Quite a niche mechanic tbh.
In up against an Unblockable specials, it favours the AI more because the AI rarely chain combo with special.