Why does Wolverine's PI reduce when he is Ranked Up?

atharvaapte198atharvaapte198 Member Posts: 19
edited August 2020 in General Discussion
I had this surprising incident with my 4-star Wolverine. I had reached Rank 2 with PI of 1853. When I ranked him up to R3, I was shocked to see his PI go down to 1820-something. Same happened when I ranked him up to R4. Before the rank-up, he was 2570 and then reduced to 2540-something.


  • WhaaaatWhaaaat Member Posts: 407 ★★★
    This happens to encourage players to take the champs to the max lvl for that rank
  • Thicco_ModeThicco_Mode Member Posts: 8,852 ★★★★★
    it happens with all champs. pi means very little
  • SnizzbarSnizzbar Member Posts: 2,278 ★★★★★

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