I am looking to become cav and I was just wondering who my team should be. This week I have pulled doom and cap marvel. I am willing to rank up anyone if need be
Quake, Quake, Quake and more Quake. Wish I had her as a 5* before I made my Cav run. Would've saved me a lot. Doom, CMM, Claire, and Venom are all amazing as well. AND DANG, 5 AND 6* GHOST? You filthy man. Just make sure to scout ahead and see what you need for each quest. You'll be fine.
I am looking to become cav and I was just wondering who my team should be. This week I have pulled doom and cap marvel. I am willing to rank up anyone if need be
Rank up Doom first for 6.1.2 Ultron. Quake aswell. Ghost easily deal with 6.1.5 Crossbones
Doom, CMM, Claire, Ghost and HT will get you there easily