Which member of the holy trinity aged the worst?

For all who don’t know what the holy trinity was, it was ghost rider, sparky, and blade. I think ghost rider aged the worst, he gets outshone by many other new mystics and I hardly use him at all anymore. I use my blade from time to time and still use sparky on an almost daily basis.
Ghost rider has lost the little value he had.
Stark is useful in a lot of content still just like blade.
But relatively, Blade had the biggest value drop from these three.
So I would say Blade aged the worst, mostly because other newer skill champs are better, without having the need to carry another two champs, that are not so good anymore 😉
Also, this sort of question would suit a ‘poll’ perfectly as I’d be very intrigued to see, visually, how the results were split.
Starky, he is still possibly top 10 in his super stacked class.
GR? who is that? you now have Doom, BWCV, SS, LS, Mojo, Sas, GR is the forgotten man. and has lost his value bigtime.
Hopefully, the Cosmic Ghost Rider comes out soon, and do some justice for his lil bro.
I am not going to say that Ghost Rider is as great as Doom. But I like this character and he is pretty solid when having Blade in the team. I play this game is to play the characters I love, which is not necessary the strongest character in the game~~
Doom is definitely the strongest Mystic Champ by far, but I prefer to leave him in AW defense......not a big fan of him actually.....
As for Blade... LOL, Still destroying the game against mystics and villains. I wait the whole week and use all my pass in the heralds quest to walk through Void in 30 sec.
Blade a slightly distant (not too distant not too close) second
Edit - doesn't mean blade is completely terrible and useless though