Captain Marvel Movie problem

I use the Captain Marvel and Nick Fury synergy a lot. Today I got the idea of running Captain America IW with the Gamora synergy to increase their buff duration by 25% along with CMM and NF. The problem is her charges are still expiring in the same amount of time. This synergy isn't increasing her buffs. Nicks synergy gives all Fury Buffa an increased 20% duration. The CapIW/Gamora synergy increases Cosmic champs buff duration by 25%. I don't see why these synergies wouldn't work together. I've tried it on the monthly EQ. Has anyone else noticed this problem or can explain to me why it's not working? I think it's a bug but maybe I am just not understanding some interaction. Thanks for your help.
The CAIW synergy you are talking about, would extend the duration to champs like Thor, Angela etc
CMM loses all her furies when she reaches 0 charges. And the buffs on CMM are permanent as long as you parry and heavy attack. They have infinite duration
Her binary ignition isn't a buff
And her furies are static and last until binary ignition hits 0
But naturally her furies expire when he charges are depleted to 0