Just finished completing Act 6 Chapter 2. Here's my thoughts...

This is what I thought about each quest:
6.2.1: Hated the lifecycle node, but there weren't many difficult fights on the path I took. I managed to get a one shot on the boss with Thing
6.2.2: By far the easiest unique global node in the chapter for me. I mostly used Emma Frost for this quest. I feel so lucky to have a Captain Marvel, which made the sinister fight doable.
6.2.3: Another relatively easy global node. Not much else to say
6.2.4: I feel like I played well with the destructive feedback node. I put myself in the mindset that the defender is unblockable while the shield is up even though they are not unblockable. Took me a couple tries to defeat the boss.
6.2.5: Nothing too hard about the global nodes, it really helps you nail intercepting. However the boss was a massive pain, I feel like if Kabam removed the 'Strength in Numbers' node it would be a much better.
6.2.6: The quest I had been dreading. The path to The Champion was pretty easy, I only had to revive on Magik. The Champion boss was a massive unit drain, in total I spent about 900 units on the boss (around 600 for the final 10% alone). I think a way they could improve this fight is that when The Champion uses a light (in the 70-40% phase) or a medium (in the 40-10% phase), make some sort of callout so the player can identify if the attack is unblockable or not.
From the rank up gem crystal I got a 3-4 skill gem which I immediately put into Aegon.
From the cavalier crystals I got 3 three stars (very epic)
Lastly from the 5 star I got She-Hulk (new champion)
Here is the ranking of quests in 6.2 from easiest to hardest (in my opinion)
Boss Path Overall
6.2.1 6.2.2 6.2.3
6.2.3 6.2.6 6.2.4
6.2.4 6.2.3 6.2.1
6.2.2 6.2.5 6.2.2
6.2.5 6.2.1 6.2.5
6.2.6 6.2.4 6.2.6
6.2.1: Hated the lifecycle node, but there weren't many difficult fights on the path I took. I managed to get a one shot on the boss with Thing
6.2.2: By far the easiest unique global node in the chapter for me. I mostly used Emma Frost for this quest. I feel so lucky to have a Captain Marvel, which made the sinister fight doable.
6.2.3: Another relatively easy global node. Not much else to say
6.2.4: I feel like I played well with the destructive feedback node. I put myself in the mindset that the defender is unblockable while the shield is up even though they are not unblockable. Took me a couple tries to defeat the boss.
6.2.5: Nothing too hard about the global nodes, it really helps you nail intercepting. However the boss was a massive pain, I feel like if Kabam removed the 'Strength in Numbers' node it would be a much better.
6.2.6: The quest I had been dreading. The path to The Champion was pretty easy, I only had to revive on Magik. The Champion boss was a massive unit drain, in total I spent about 900 units on the boss (around 600 for the final 10% alone). I think a way they could improve this fight is that when The Champion uses a light (in the 70-40% phase) or a medium (in the 40-10% phase), make some sort of callout so the player can identify if the attack is unblockable or not.
From the rank up gem crystal I got a 3-4 skill gem which I immediately put into Aegon.
From the cavalier crystals I got 3 three stars (very epic)
Lastly from the 5 star I got She-Hulk (new champion)
Here is the ranking of quests in 6.2 from easiest to hardest (in my opinion)
Boss Path Overall
6.2.1 6.2.2 6.2.3
6.2.3 6.2.6 6.2.4
6.2.4 6.2.3 6.2.1
6.2.2 6.2.5 6.2.2
6.2.5 6.2.1 6.2.5
6.2.6 6.2.4 6.2.6
For example: in 6.2.1 I swapped Emma Frost (the only 6 star on the team) for 5 star Domino and put Cable in the spare slot so I could go down the gated mutant path
Thanks for the info.