The new 5* Champs Being Added Next Month!

Kabam, there really hasn't been any info on the 5* champs for next month. There's a list made, but I have my doubts of course since they pretty much just copied what you wrote but we don't how u people feel the order should be, so that's why I don't trust it. Now I'm wondering(because of the class 5* deal), is voodoo and ghost rider being added as 5* next month? That's what it's apperently leading to, my self and a lot of other people would like to know. If there's a post about confirmed 5* for October and so on, then please forgive my stupidity.
The list you see is the order of which there arenas were so i can confirm next batch will include GR.Voodoo.
This chart is a bit more updated
It will be approximately July 2018 when the 5* are all caught up.
Are you sure? What does that mean lol
Assuming the trend of 2 new champs per month and 6 older featured champs being added, July is about the time where they will not be playing "catch up" anymore. This means that the 4* and 5* champs will be added to the crystals at the same time and there will only be 6-8 champs in the subfeatured pool.
This is a common misconception. The sub featured pool includes ALL the possible champions, not just the ones that haven't been added yet. It includes all the ones currently in the basics as well as the ones not yet added.
At some point it will catch up and there will be no sub featured pool.
That is not correct. The subfeatured pool is the pool of champs that are not the current featured, but have not yet been added to the basics. OML was a featured at one time, but is not a featured anymore. He is a basic champ. AA is a featured but not the current featured (Medusa will be) so by purchasing a featured crystal, you have a shot at Medusa the feature, AA, a subfeature, or OML, now a basic.
As for the second part of your statement, that is also incorrect. Kabam stated there will still be about 7 champs in the subfeatured pool. Remember that champs have approximately a 4 month waiting period from the time they are a feature, to the time they are released in the crystals. During this time, they would be considered a subfeature. Doc Oc, GG, Punisher 2099, Stark Spidey, Kingpin, and Carnage are all examples of subfeatured as they are not the current feature, but have not yet been added as a basic yet.
Is there a current version of this image? I'll be filling a 5* crystal with tonight's login reward. Wondering if it's worth waiting for Feb or if I should just open it in Jan.