I just got a 4* Mordo and I'm not excited like I would have been a month ago

I just dropped a 4* Mordo... normally a drop to celebrate about.. but guess what he's a man of color but ironically is not diverse enough...

About 6 or 7 of my team mates have him already and I am sure they will be deployed in AW today already, so I have no reason to level or rank a normally awesome defender. He's going to just be a r1 L1 sandbag now.

This is a precise illustration of why defender diversity kills fun and excitement in the game. While well intended, you have created consequences that take enjoyment of your game away.


  • KocheeseKocheese Member Posts: 391 ★★
    He's actually good in war. U just need to coordinate with in your bg a diversity. I'm in tier 2 war and it seems they changed him a bit. Rarely does and l1 and heavy now. Get l3 alot even with pressure on him and hitting him with a heavy
  • Viper1987Viper1987 Member Posts: 728 ★★★
    Your enjoyment of the game involves placing a champ as a defender in AW to get limited to no kills? I mean, you don't even get to see those fights. You just place and forget about it. There are other aspects of the game to enjoy. Personally I look forward to the day where I don't fight 6 Magiks in a row, although I will miss fighting 6 NCs in a row.
  • KocheeseKocheese Member Posts: 391 ★★
    True, and ridiculous 5 star juggs with MD. Last war was 4 5* r4 juggs with Max MD as minis. But again, if they changed MD being tied to dex, it would not be bad
  • IdontinksoIdontinkso Member Posts: 156
    I enjoyed setting up a good defense with surpises that might give us a chance against the other team. Now you have to plan diversity instead???? So boring. I already know mordo is spoken for as i place the teams, no amount of coordination fixes this.

    Now all the good defenders are all already owned so when you get a good defender as drop it is a letdown instead of a celebration. Thats my point.

  • Nexus_UY_ScutiNexus_UY_Scuti Member Posts: 480 ★★
    Idontinkso wrote: »
    I just dropped a 4* Mordo... normally a drop to celebrate about.. but guess what he's a man of color but ironically is not diverse enough...

    About 6 or 7 of my team mates have him already and I am sure they will be deployed in AW today already, so I have no reason to level or rank a normally awesome defender. He's going to just be a r1 L1 sandbag now.

    This is a precise illustration of why defender diversity kills fun and excitement in the game. While well intended, you have created consequences that take enjoyment of your game away.

    Use him for story questing. Took my Mordo to face Kamg. Manage to kill him with less than 6 revives.
  • Lj2play_Lj2play_ Member Posts: 20
    The nodes are so easy now doesn't matter who you place except the boss. And maybe the minis. I'm in t2 for aw though. Might as well just place a diverse d knowing your not getting kills no matter who you place
  • Mana_PotMana_Pot Member Posts: 235 ★★
    I share OPs concerns. This isn't just about Mordo, it's about any champ that you may have been excited to pull if not for the fact that another alliance mate has a ranked up version already. There are several champs that are great for defense, but not offense. Now the only reason to be excited by a new pull is if you intend to use it offensively. Unless you're the first and only to pull and rank up a defensive champ, what's the point? Even if you've decided to break down and rank up that SpiderGwen just for diversity, if your alliance mate has already broken down and maxed one there's again no point in you doing it.

    I understand that it sucks to have to fight 6 Magiks in a row, but diversity isn't the way to fix that. I don't think that diversity is a bad idea per se, but it shouldn't be worth what it is and certainly not at the expense of defender kill points. I feel like this is gonna come back to bite them.
  • ThatsausageThatsausage Member Posts: 214
    You're not missing anything. Mordo was an easy kill before this update. Even on thorns, he was an easy kill. Now all he is good for is a prestige boost.
  • SodapopheadSodapophead Member Posts: 27
    War is a joke now, everyone is hitting 100%. Boring.
    Does anyone know the meaning of War.
    It should be hard, it should be a struggle, everyone hated having a bad war, so you stressed over it.
    It made it fun.
  • Viper1987Viper1987 Member Posts: 728 ★★★
    Mana_Pot wrote: »
    I share OPs concerns. This isn't just about Mordo, it's about any champ that you may have been excited to pull if not for the fact that another alliance mate has a ranked up version already. There are several champs that are great for defense, but not offense. Now the only reason to be excited by a new pull is if you intend to use it offensively. Unless you're the first and only to pull and rank up a defensive champ, what's the point? Even if you've decided to break down and rank up that SpiderGwen just for diversity, if your alliance mate has already broken down and maxed one there's again no point in you doing it.

    I understand that it sucks to have to fight 6 Magiks in a row, but diversity isn't the way to fix that. I don't think that diversity is a bad idea per se, but it shouldn't be worth what it is and certainly not at the expense of defender kill points. I feel like this is gonna come back to bite them.

    Well maybe I have a different mindset. I was never and never will be excited about defensive champs. That's super boring. You don't even use them. You just let them sit. The best feelings I ever got were pulling Thor and duping him so I could just wreck everything in my path. I look forward to the offensive champs that I actually utilize and play and have fun with. It's hard for me to see the enjoyment of pulling a defensive champ you'll never really "use". Sorry I came off like a jerk.
  • Dexman1349Dexman1349 Member Posts: 3,060 ★★★★★
    War certainly killed any excitement for pulling defensive champs. We have guys placing 3* champs just for diversity because the nodes themselves are so easy. My old defensive team was always good for 3-5 kills (Magik, NC, Hype, Ultron, Dorm). Now they're lucky to register one.

    Before the update, I was no where near boss-killer. With the new config, I just walked through 2 R5 Magiks.

    Everyone is getting 90%+ completion now. Honestly, at this point it's just an easy stack of crystals/shards, and because of the diversity + weakened nodes, you don't even have to tie-up your good champs anymore.
  • chunkybchunkyb Member, Content Creators Posts: 1,453 Content Creator
    I truly enjoyed defensive beasts. The idea of ruining someone's (or a few someone's) day in war was great. Seeing kill counts go up was very fun. Partially because we all know the flip side of that coin. And many defensive champs are good on offense. I used NC to take down the collector, for instance. Mordo was good in the "specials-only" parts of act 5. To each their own, but idk how you wouldn't enjoy that side of the competition. There was actual strategy.

    War was fun. Defenders were fun. Making ppl throw their phone (in my imagination) was great fun. Watching someone revive over and over was great fun. Watching them come around the corner to the path of death leading up to the left mini was awesome. The anticipation of seeing if they had help coming or if their health would carry them thru was awesome as well. Watching them send extra attackers to that path and missing out on crucial exploration was awesome. Gaining a respect for the opponent's attack prowess or creativity in placement was great. Figuring out surprise nodes for certain champs was a fun challenge.

    Now it's long and boring chutes and ladders. And I know everyone is at different places as far as progress goes in the game... But I have no desire to chase champs or collect at this point. I have what I need. Real war was the only thing pushing me to "stay ahead of the curve" and improve my roster. No reason to now. Just toss in the trash champs that get you those idiotic diversity points, carry a decent attack team, farm those shards. Because war isn't about overcoming challenges anymore... Its about moving thru a billion nodes, not forgetting to join attack asap since it costs so much nrg, trying not to fall asleep during easy fights, not tapping accidentally when checking those dumb portals, and being happy that it's finally over each time.
  • Mana_PotMana_Pot Member Posts: 235 ★★
    Viper1987 wrote: »
    Mana_Pot wrote: »
    I share OPs concerns. This isn't just about Mordo, it's about any champ that you may have been excited to pull if not for the fact that another alliance mate has a ranked up version already. There are several champs that are great for defense, but not offense. Now the only reason to be excited by a new pull is if you intend to use it offensively. Unless you're the first and only to pull and rank up a defensive champ, what's the point? Even if you've decided to break down and rank up that SpiderGwen just for diversity, if your alliance mate has already broken down and maxed one there's again no point in you doing it.

    I understand that it sucks to have to fight 6 Magiks in a row, but diversity isn't the way to fix that. I don't think that diversity is a bad idea per se, but it shouldn't be worth what it is and certainly not at the expense of defender kill points. I feel like this is gonna come back to bite them.

    Well maybe I have a different mindset. I was never and never will be excited about defensive champs. That's super boring. You don't even use them. You just let them sit. The best feelings I ever got were pulling Thor and duping him so I could just wreck everything in my path. I look forward to the offensive champs that I actually utilize and play and have fun with. It's hard for me to see the enjoyment of pulling a defensive champ you'll never really "use". Sorry I came off like a jerk.

    I get that. I won't argue that pulling an offensive champ you'll actually use isn't by far the more exciting of the two. I still think it gave purpose to other champs though and I do enjoy seeing defender kills. It made pulling them not feel like a total waste. They had a use. Now it's like, "Well ****. I can't use that for offense. Next."
  • KhanMedinaKhanMedina Member Posts: 927 ★★★
    The worst part is that they're giving rewards for getting kills but not letting us use the guys that get kills.
  • Run477Run477 Member Posts: 1,391 ★★★
    Viper1987 wrote: »
    Mana_Pot wrote: »
    I share OPs concerns. This isn't just about Mordo, it's about any champ that you may have been excited to pull if not for the fact that another alliance mate has a ranked up version already. There are several champs that are great for defense, but not offense. Now the only reason to be excited by a new pull is if you intend to use it offensively. Unless you're the first and only to pull and rank up a defensive champ, what's the point? Even if you've decided to break down and rank up that SpiderGwen just for diversity, if your alliance mate has already broken down and maxed one there's again no point in you doing it.

    I understand that it sucks to have to fight 6 Magiks in a row, but diversity isn't the way to fix that. I don't think that diversity is a bad idea per se, but it shouldn't be worth what it is and certainly not at the expense of defender kill points. I feel like this is gonna come back to bite them.

    Well maybe I have a different mindset. I was never and never will be excited about defensive champs. That's super boring. You don't even use them. You just let them sit. The best feelings I ever got were pulling Thor and duping him so I could just wreck everything in my path. I look forward to the offensive champs that I actually utilize and play and have fun with. It's hard for me to see the enjoyment of pulling a defensive champ you'll never really "use". Sorry I came off like a jerk.

    I personally loved getting my 4* magik to r5 and sig 99 with max md and then watching people die to her on defense. I was pumped when I got Mordo and then dormamu to add to my defense. Finally, three weeks ago I pulled juggernaut for the first time and was thinking about awakening him for defense too. I also really enjoyed setting up defenses and watching our defense shut down alliances 2 to 3 million higher PI than us as we ran through their defense.

    War has basically eliminated that entire fun aspect of the game. Now those same opposing alliances will be guaranteed wins if they can manage to make sure no champs are doubled.
  • IdontinksoIdontinkso Member Posts: 156
    New changes in AW are a move in the right direction. I think I might rank Mordo now that the non diversity penalty is not so severe and is limited to battle group vs. making it alliance wide. I was putting in iron patriot before for diversity. He actually got a KO one War! Lol
  • StavelotXoteStavelotXote Member Posts: 231
    edited September 2017
    chunkyb wrote: »
    Mordo was good in the "specials-only" parts of act 5.

    Why didn't I think of this lol agree with the rest of post too
  • winterthurwinterthur Member Posts: 8,320 ★★★★★
    I am starting to like using Mordo for offense especially so in nodes with buff which every x hits inflicts stun. :)

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