No completion rewards for uncollected and Cavalier. Waste of time for mid-upper players, just skip i

I quit this game 2 years ago due to a continuous string of bad 5* pulls. Now a few weeks in and Kabam pulls this?
This seems like an underhanded way of getting people to spend more. I am no big whale but I do occasionally spend. The removal of completion rewards does not make me excited to be back spending on this game, it just makes me want to skip completing uncollected and even contemplate quitting again.
I barely can finish uncollected events and I find the feeling of completing an uncollected quest a very satisfying experience. Doing 100% on the first and maybe 2 chapter just feels like a chore. The sense of satisfaction is not there, just the feeling of us players being forced to dance like monkeys.
This seems like an underhanded way of getting people to spend more. I am no big whale but I do occasionally spend. The removal of completion rewards does not make me excited to be back spending on this game, it just makes me want to skip completing uncollected and even contemplate quitting again.
I barely can finish uncollected events and I find the feeling of completing an uncollected quest a very satisfying experience. Doing 100% on the first and maybe 2 chapter just feels like a chore. The sense of satisfaction is not there, just the feeling of us players being forced to dance like monkeys.
Explore first two chapters.
Despite this previous iterations of reward model was more satisfying. Kudos to Kabam for implementing new reward structure in Cavalier, but they should have left uncollected as it was. They could have provided the extra rewards through objectives if they wanted.