Gold Realms

Please Kabam add gold realms permanently to daily challenges. Make them reset every 24 or 48 hours, 5*’s becoming more common & pretty much taking place of 4*’s & 4*’s taking the spot for 3*’s plus map 6 is becoming the new map 5 (not to mention completing map 6 gives you no gold or BC’s like map 5)& it’s very expensive to play. Yet we still get the same amount of gold & we see no extra ways of getting it! Gold realms need added permanently to daily challenges or we need to see a HUGE upage in completing events. Being stingy in giving us gold makes no sense, it’s not like it’s costing/losing you any money, people don’t buy gold so I don’t understand the M.O. behind not giving us enough. Not gonna say how much my ally’s weekly donations are but it’s crazy high, I work 6 days a week & have a family I can’t grind arena for gold like that. I play as much as I can & it’s no where near enough for donations & have extra to rank up champs. Please add them to daily’s or make them playable for a week once a month(when they’re reset every 6-8 hours)!!
You don’t agree gold realms should be permanent? 5*’s are stupid expensive to rank up & map 6 is stupid expensive as well, I shouldn’t have to play day & night just for gold
I could afford it too if we played map 6 only once or twice. The top players need a better system than this, I had millions but slowly losing it slowly but surely
You dont have to. No-one is forcing you to
BUT, if you want to play the content you choose to in the game, then you need more gold to do so. To get that gold you have to grind and play the game longer every day
Its your choice mate