I just tried this and it definitely gives both champs power gain regardless of which one has the aura. I got the power gain when cpu had aura and get got power gain when I had aura.
Any incenerate does that to Mephisto its his ability description is "generates 12% of a power bar per second instead of taking incenerate energy damage" so your aura gives him aura. But he is bugged in that video as it triggers while far away as aura doesn't reach that distance.
Any incenerate does that to Mephisto its his ability description is "generates 12% of a power bar per second instead of taking incenerate energy damage" so your aura gives him aura. But he is bugged in that video as it triggers while far away as aura doesn't reach that distance.
Any incenerate does that to Mephisto its his ability description is "generates 12% of a power bar per second instead of taking incenerate energy damage" so your aura gives him aura. But he is bugged in that video as it triggers while far away as aura doesn't reach that distance.
That’s the whole point of this post.
Yeah I worded that funny but in my defence it was 5am before my coffee. I was just getting at because of his ability if 1 mep has aura both do when close but this video is clearly a bug. It is not a visual bug as even if the ai has aura you would still get the icon and description during pause which clearly isn't there.
Simply, mephisto is gaining power due to the opponent mephisto aura of incineration
If that's not a bug I don't what is