Sentry Analysis/Examination (a nouvelle discussion)

Moot4LifeMoot4Life Member Posts: 2,132 ★★★★

How I felt before I did this analysis:
As you all know, I suffer from
K. Never
A. Gets
M. Good
A. Champions
L. From
A. 5*

K. Crystals
H. Except
A. For
N. Sometimes
Despite this, I always hype myself up whenever I get 9k shards or so to start grinding side events or selling 4* champions (my bad habit like biting nails) to get another 5* champion. The adrenaline I get from opening a 5* crystal is like nothing mankind has ever witnessed before.

This champion got announced back in January 2018. I remember it just like it was 2 years and 8 months ago. I had the best team in the entire game if you don't count like 1 million other players. So yeah, I was pretty good. I saw Sentry's abilities first hand when he was the boss for heroic or master difficulty, I don't quite remember which. The moment I saw him, my knees turned to complete jelly and I was in utter shock and awe based on how good this champion looked (this was before I knew what "abilities" were, and I judged characters based on how wicked they looked). I even spent units to get a crystal for him, from which I did not get a Sentry, that much I remember.

Anyways, after the next event had gotten announced, he was forgotten due to how bad he was at first, and everybody was talking about his red cousin, Void. This guy was THE guy to have. If you had him, you pretty much became Throne Breaker before it even existed. That is how good he was. But we are NOT talking about him. (technically we are because sentry and void are the same person but you know what I mean). Until... Kabam buffed him. Everybody thought he was still in Void's shadow, however, everybody was wrong, even me.

There are no accidents. It was MEANT to be like this so that EVERYBODY underestimated him until after you read this post. He will likely become the 2nd best champion in the entire game because of how good he is. Then everybody will sell their 5* and 6* versions of Void in the special event Kabam will make where you can sell all red/black science champions no matter what star they have in exchange for a Mole Man because that is how utter garbage Void will be considered.
So, about a year later or so, almost like fate calling to me, I have a look at my 5* shards. And then, I see the 5 digit number called TEN THOUSAND. I click a five star basic crystal. I click purchase. I move it in a circle 3 times, then drag it from the left as a good luck charm.

The emotion that swept over me when I realized I could buy a 5* crystal was unparalleled by anything you have ever seen before.
I dragged it to the spinner, using my right index finger. And it started spinning. And oh, how it spun. The real beneath it was a flash of colors ready to dispense my future best champion in the entire game, perhaps even surpassing Quake and Ghost combined.
But after I saw the champion I pulled, the excitement quickly drained. "New champion found: Sentry!". I vaguely remembered him for being mediocre so I looked him up on Seatin's Tier List. He was in the middle, just as I had suspected. I never ranked him up past giving him a little ISO-8 to munch on. I was on a GOD TIER ONLY diet, meaning that any champion who was not a Demi-God or a God was accidentally sent to my account to be never ranked up and made to suffer there for all of eternity. He sat there and will continue to sit there until I can afford to awaken him and toss some sig stones into him.

The first thing that we have to get out of the way is how much I adore this champion. His attack animations are fluid, and they are precise. My Fan-art of (Sentry) (drawn MCOC style), this might be a little bad considering it only took 5 minutes to do but let me know what you think.

THE ANALYSIS BEGINS HERE!!!! (i might have done some math wrong)

The Looks: his beard is honestly pretty good considering I don't like blonde beards and prefer brown or black beards (Cap IW). And his majestic, flowing hair is probably the longest of any male champion (besides Sasquatch) in the game. The costume is also a super simple, yellow suit to match his yellow hair and his yellow glowing eyes, very consistent. Of course, I have to take off points due to the fact that he has one of the worst items any superhero can have in the history of superheroes. Anybody who has this is instantly downgraded in terms of power levels. No wonder people think he is such a bad champion. He has the forbidden...... cape (i know this is not Kabam's fault, but they should have known how much devastation he could have brought to the land should they have made the executive decision to change his design, like Tigra)! Thanks to my editing skills, (cause there is no way I'm drawing a full body sentry) you can see what he looks like without a cape).

The Darkness is not my poor editing; it is his dark aura of Void energy coming out, ready to go super saiyan on the supervillains or whatever his powers are
The Animations of this character are okay. His Medium and Light attacks flow well into each other like a fresh river stream in the jungle. and they feel kinda weird but in a good way. The way he kind of moves more forward than normal after an attack. It's hard to explain. Anyways, his special attacks are good animations, however, they are too fast-paced for me to like. You can't even process what's going on. You press the yellow button in the lower left, he just goes BOOM BOOM POW in .32 seconds, and then it's over and you are left with a feeling of dissatisfaction like "what? that is it?" and you get hit in the face because you are unprepared for how fast the special attack is going to be over.

At least Special One attack is a little longer, and it's a multi-hit beam which is hard to dex (I think) but it is like a beam of light that takes up about 40% of the screen which can sometimes hurt the eyes if you play on max brightness, coupled with his good looks there is a high chance you will pass out on the spot.

His Special 3 definitely redeems what he lacks in animations because you get to see his dark side. You get to see his true power and what he actually is like when he lets loose and turns into a better character! Also, it's kinda funny how he pretty much just evaporates the opponent and turns them into nothing, as well as turning into a god tier character. It would be cool if there was a character that could switch into other people who was also the color blue as well as female, but I don’t think we are seeing anybody like that anytime soon.

His blocking animation and dex are both pretty standard and lame if you ask me, they could at least incorporate him flying like his attacks. Like, in his idle animation he is flying, but when he dexes back he goes back onto the ground to slide backwards, then flies back up like nothing ever happened. No offense, but I think whoever designed this part of the champion got a little lazy.
There is one thing I did not talk about yet concerning his animations: his heavy attack. His heavy attack is either the best or the worst in the game considering how you look at it. It's the best because it logically makes the most sense: While holding down the heavy attack, he seems to be charging like a cheap knockoff Kamehameha and unleashes it onto the opponent, and while they are dazed he slaps/punches the opponent as if he was holding a ball. I don't understand why he does this, but he has his ways apparently. However, it's the worst because of how it feels. It doesn't feel right for the character we have been led to known. Based on all his other attacks, he finishes things swiftly and sort of gracefully.

But with his heavy attack, that all changes because it feels the clunkiest out of everything. A perfect analogy for this would be like the rabbit from the tortoise and the hare. The hare thinks going fast is the key, and after he goes so fast, he decides to take a break. His heavy attack is the break, the thing that ruins the character almost by itself. That is how bad I think it is. It lets the tortoise take over his body like Casper the Ghost and completely changes him. I would never use his heavy attack unless forced to, even if I am in steadfast approach (more on that later) I would have preferred him doing a flying uppercut, then launching back down and creating rocks in the ground, like The Thing except he can fly.

Ok, now that we have the looks and the animations out of the way, let's talk about his gameplay. So, everybody knows that he used to be utter garbage in the game. But Kabam buffed him shortly after his release to make him better. Those are the stats we will be talking about, not his previous ones. Okay, now that we got THAT out of the way, we can REALLY begin.
We are going to start out with his base stats. Based on a rank 5 5* his Prestige and Physical resistance are his best traits, with his attack, block proficiency, and health being average. This is kind of dumb because the math does not add up. You can really begin to see how inconsistent Kabam is with their logic. If a guy has quite possibly the longest hair for a male in the history of MCOC as well as a beard, how is his health rating not higher compared to other champions. It is things like these that make me want to completely drop the game forever. And yes, still accounting for his cape, he should have at least a 10% increase to his base health. This is a fact if you simply do the math.

Now for his signature ability which you can unlock should you be lucky enough to pull this champion twice, or either use an awakening gem on him. The signature ability that Sentry is actually different and very original. It has 2 parts to it. 1. At Max Sig level, he has a 100%(changes based on sig level) to become indestructible just (like a certain hero for hire, iron fist) for .30 seconds per reality warp charge.
The other part is that (at max signature ability) He carries his reality warps from fight to fight depending on his health, at sig 200 as long as he is above 0% health he keeps them. So, every reality warp charge he has increases his abilities and you get them for every 40 hits on your combo meter for up to 5 reality warps. Now, his reality warps can either increase his heavy attack damage, special 2 damage, or special 1 damage depending on your phase. His Special 3 also heals about 10% health when he's below 50% health but at the cost of a reality warp, so it can heal at a price.

Every ten hits you enter a new phase. Unyielding Fortitude is obtained at the start of the fight and every time you get a new reality warp. It is just a combo shield. Overpowering Light has a 100% chance to activate, and increases his special one damage as well as making it unblockable. Steadfast Approach has a 60% chance to activate, provides perfect block for each hit blocked, and increases heavy attack damage. Absolute Strength is Overpowering Light except for his special 2 attack, and after this is goes back to Unyielding Fortitude. Pretty much the only thing you need to know is to do these when their respective phases activate. Each reality warp increases attack by 1689, so (1689*5)+2414=a total of 10589 attack rating. This is pretty good I would say.

Also, he has a Synergy with Void that can INCREASE his attack by 50%! So after 240 hits overall, one special three attack, and a Void on your team you can use special attacks that have a total of over 15000 attack on the opponent, as well as having the utility which allows you to reduce the opponents regeneration, power gain rate, fatigue buff, and ability accuracy of evade+dexterity. Not only that, but it also makes Void better since it makes his 250% passive fury buff last 20 seconds longer.
So, in conclusion, this is why I think Sentry is an underrated champion.

TLDR: We're no strangers to love.
You know the rules and so do I.
A full commitment's what I'm thinking of.
You wouldn't get this from any other guy.
I just wanna tell you how I'm feeling.
Gotta make you understand.
Never gonna give you up.
Never gonna let you down.
Never gonna run around and desert you.
Never gonna make you cry.
Never gonna say goodbye.
Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you.
We've known each other for so long.
Your heart's been aching, but.
You're too shy to say it.
Inside, we both know what's been going on.
We know the game and we're gonna play it.
And if you ask me how I'm feeling.
Don't tell me you're too blind to see.
Never gonna give you up.
Never gonna let you down.
Never gonna run around and desert you.
Never gonna make you cry.
Never gonna say goodbye.
Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you.
Never gonna give you up.
Never gonna let you down.
Never gonna run around and desert you.
Never gonna make you cry.
Never gonna say goodbye.
Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you.
(Ooh, give you up).
(Ooh, give you up).
Never gonna give, never gonna give.
(Give you up).
Never gonna give, never gonna give.
(Give you up).
We've known each other for so long.
Your heart's been aching, but.
You're too shy to say it.
Inside, we both know what's been going on.
We know the game and we're gonna play it.
I just wanna tell you how I'm feeling.
Gotta make you understand.
Never gonna give you up.
Never gonna let you down.
Never gonna run around and desert you.
Never gonna make you cry.
Never gonna say goodbye.
Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you.
Never gonna give you up.
Never gonna let you down.
Never gonna run around and desert you.
Never gonna make you cry.
Never gonna say goodbye.
Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you.
Never gonna give you up.
Never gonna let you down.
Never gonna run around and desert you.
Never gonna make you cry.
Never gonna say goodbye.
Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you.


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  • Thicco_ModeThicco_Mode Member Posts: 8,852 ★★★★★
    inspirational this is
  • DRTODRTO Member Posts: 1,689 ★★★★★
    Well I'm convince, rank 5 sentry here I go!
  • RU11011RU11011 Member Posts: 880 ★★★★
    I read all of this and got Rick-Rolled. Genius. Still not going to rank up my Sentry though.
  • Artoria77Artoria77 Member Posts: 2,550 ★★★★★
  • KDSuperFlash10KDSuperFlash10 Member Posts: 5,869 ★★★★★

    You have the best threads on the forums, hands down.

    I always look forward to reading your "novella" threads.

    You should become an author.

    Fascinating stuff, just fascinating.
  • MattstafariMattstafari Member Posts: 693 ★★★
    My 5* and 6* Sentry will not be getting any use, any time soon but, it's nice that there are fans of his out there.
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