A path on Abyss with Magneto - My thoughts and tips

Hi Summoners,
I'm just an average player trying to 100% explore Abyss. My idea on this post is to share my experience and also provide any insights that I managed to get during my run. I'll discuss about Abyss path 2.
Just as a background, I was hoarding units and potions for my 2nd run a month ago when I saw the potential buff that Mags would get. Since I would not be able to bring him anyways to path 4, I've gone through it (it was very painful) and I've left paths 2, 3 and 5 for the time that his buff would become official.
Some remarks:
1 - My team: 4 Horsemen (all duped 5* r5) and 6* Magneto R3 (unduped)
2 - After running the path, I really thought if it would be better to have brought AA instead of Nick Fury. I might try this configuration for path 5.
3 - Mags needs to be revived and go back to 100% health, since there is a lot of block damage from the tech champions.
4 - I didn't plan posting here before running the path so I haven't exactly counted the revives. The values below are an estimation from what I remember.
Path 2:
Darkhawk - After a few "practice" attempts, Mags has crushed Darkhawk. I've had to practice a couple of runs first, but then I've managed to get used to the play style. DH needs to be all the time armor broken. My best strategy was to rush to sp2 (via parry and heavy) to armor break him and then keep "ph-ing" ("parry-heavying") him. If you get the right timing, you'll easy counter his sp2 with a heavy attack (and his regeneration will be slightly reversed -> and that helps a lot). I used 1-2 revives + health potions.
Ghost - Very similar to Darkhawk, but easier. Same strategy, but the good thing is that it's very easy to counter her sp1 and sp2 with a heavy attack. I've uploaded a couple of short videos just for demo purposes (see below). I used 1-2 revives + health potions.
IMIW - one of the hardest fights, but still doable. Having Archangel would be great in order to get 20% extra armor break duration. (as I said, I might try it on path 5). This fight will force you to practice your double parry. If you master it, the fights becomes a bit easier. Another important point: If possible, try to push a lot of prowess buffs (+60) and sp3 him when he's at 16%. That could potentially help you not need to use Aegon or Void for the remaining 15%. I believe I used 5-6 revives.
Korg? - I totally forgot that Magneto has energy attacks. I've only used Doom, but I'm now really curious to see if he could actually be useful on this fight. If anybody ever tried this fight, please let me know.
MODOK - the easiest fight. Easy solo. I don't know if that's supposed to be like this, but when Modok is magnetized, that seems to be considered as a debuff. I didn't have any stuns at least.
Howard the Duck - That's actually not bad that he has 30 indestructible fights. That way, I can reach up to 60 prowess buffs (30 from heavies + 30 from charging) and throw my first sp3. He didn't have any regeneration during my fight, probably due to the AAR. Void is still a much better cheese counter, but I really liked used Mags. I believe I used 3 revives.
Green Goblin - That was horrible. I kept making mistakes trying to avoid his sp2, it was very hard to keep him armor broken and I just died a lot. I believe that, after reviving Mags 5 times, I gave up and brought Nick Fury. GG could still be doable, but with AA in the synergy (this is a guess based on my experience).
Mr. Sinister - Now this is me being stupid. I don't know why but, just by looking at Mr. Sinister, I was SURE he was #metal. But that actually ain't true. This made me feel worse than bringing Doom or Torch on a Abyss fight after using Aegon and not switching masteries back to no-suicides.
Punisher 2099 - I haven't even tried bringing Mags. The chip damage from blocking sp1s would be so much that I wouldn't reach my sp3 twice. I've used Aegon.
Overall, I was very happy using him. I hope you guys enjoyed my long post and I'm glad if this could bring any useful information for any Abyss Exploration Seeker.
PS: Shout out to Vega 583. I got extremely lucky and won the 2-Month Anniversary give away on this YT channel and with those extra units I'll be able to 100% explore Abyss!
I'm just an average player trying to 100% explore Abyss. My idea on this post is to share my experience and also provide any insights that I managed to get during my run. I'll discuss about Abyss path 2.
Just as a background, I was hoarding units and potions for my 2nd run a month ago when I saw the potential buff that Mags would get. Since I would not be able to bring him anyways to path 4, I've gone through it (it was very painful) and I've left paths 2, 3 and 5 for the time that his buff would become official.
Some remarks:
1 - My team: 4 Horsemen (all duped 5* r5) and 6* Magneto R3 (unduped)
2 - After running the path, I really thought if it would be better to have brought AA instead of Nick Fury. I might try this configuration for path 5.
3 - Mags needs to be revived and go back to 100% health, since there is a lot of block damage from the tech champions.
4 - I didn't plan posting here before running the path so I haven't exactly counted the revives. The values below are an estimation from what I remember.
Path 2:
Darkhawk - After a few "practice" attempts, Mags has crushed Darkhawk. I've had to practice a couple of runs first, but then I've managed to get used to the play style. DH needs to be all the time armor broken. My best strategy was to rush to sp2 (via parry and heavy) to armor break him and then keep "ph-ing" ("parry-heavying") him. If you get the right timing, you'll easy counter his sp2 with a heavy attack (and his regeneration will be slightly reversed -> and that helps a lot). I used 1-2 revives + health potions.
Ghost - Very similar to Darkhawk, but easier. Same strategy, but the good thing is that it's very easy to counter her sp1 and sp2 with a heavy attack. I've uploaded a couple of short videos just for demo purposes (see below). I used 1-2 revives + health potions.

IMIW - one of the hardest fights, but still doable. Having Archangel would be great in order to get 20% extra armor break duration. (as I said, I might try it on path 5). This fight will force you to practice your double parry. If you master it, the fights becomes a bit easier. Another important point: If possible, try to push a lot of prowess buffs (+60) and sp3 him when he's at 16%. That could potentially help you not need to use Aegon or Void for the remaining 15%. I believe I used 5-6 revives.

Korg? - I totally forgot that Magneto has energy attacks. I've only used Doom, but I'm now really curious to see if he could actually be useful on this fight. If anybody ever tried this fight, please let me know.
MODOK - the easiest fight. Easy solo. I don't know if that's supposed to be like this, but when Modok is magnetized, that seems to be considered as a debuff. I didn't have any stuns at least.

Howard the Duck - That's actually not bad that he has 30 indestructible fights. That way, I can reach up to 60 prowess buffs (30 from heavies + 30 from charging) and throw my first sp3. He didn't have any regeneration during my fight, probably due to the AAR. Void is still a much better cheese counter, but I really liked used Mags. I believe I used 3 revives.
Green Goblin - That was horrible. I kept making mistakes trying to avoid his sp2, it was very hard to keep him armor broken and I just died a lot. I believe that, after reviving Mags 5 times, I gave up and brought Nick Fury. GG could still be doable, but with AA in the synergy (this is a guess based on my experience).
Mr. Sinister - Now this is me being stupid. I don't know why but, just by looking at Mr. Sinister, I was SURE he was #metal. But that actually ain't true. This made me feel worse than bringing Doom or Torch on a Abyss fight after using Aegon and not switching masteries back to no-suicides.
Punisher 2099 - I haven't even tried bringing Mags. The chip damage from blocking sp1s would be so much that I wouldn't reach my sp3 twice. I've used Aegon.
Overall, I was very happy using him. I hope you guys enjoyed my long post and I'm glad if this could bring any useful information for any Abyss Exploration Seeker.
PS: Shout out to Vega 583. I got extremely lucky and won the 2-Month Anniversary give away on this YT channel and with those extra units I'll be able to 100% explore Abyss!
It’s feasible but it will cost you some units. It’s a lot of chip damage so you’ll probably be able to reach sp3 3-4 times in a fight. The delta damage when GG is armor broken is too big. I’ve just uploaded a video showing that. The first 2 sp3 are not armor broken but the 3rd is. Check it out.
About Nick Fury. I’ve only used him against GG and IW. I would have brought Archangel instead, if I could. This way Magneto would be solid against GG and AA and HT could be used against IW.
Just an initial hint: I typically max out pacify in order to reach 100% AAR against metal champions.
Team: 4 Horsemen + 6* R3 Unduped Magneto
IMIW - Long story short: Human Torch was my main champion against IMIW. I've managed to take him down to 6% with HT and then took the remaining health with Magneto (kept double parrying, avoiding specials and trying to armor break him).
*Just a quick note. My intention was to use Magneto, paired with Archangel Synergy on this path (and he would be the counter for IMIW). However, since KABAM decided not to update Hulk Rag with the #Metal Tag, I needed to rely on Nick Fury to take him down on the remaining 25%. Therefore HT seemed to be much straightforward that Magneto against IMIW.
Hulk Rag - Very disappointing seeing this guy not updated, but we have to fight with the ammo we have. Took him down using a couple of revives using Human Torch. I've used Mags and Nick Fury for the remaining 25% health. Nick Fury is still much better.
Yellowjacket - Very interesting fight. I really thought that fighting YJ would not work due to his constant specials, but actually Magneto was a decent counter. The main strategy for me was to reach a stage where YJ would be constantly throwing sp2s. During that phase, I would simply keep blocking (so that YJ has a lesser chance of triggering specials) and just double parry or counter his heavy.
(Used Nick fury twice. Used Magneto Twice (2 revives + potions)
Short video below:
Thor Rag - Great fight. Mags works great against him. Best way to approach this fight is to:
1 - Heavy hit him 19 times (one before Boon of the Gods is active)
2 - Bait any special from him, in case he is over 1 bar of power
3 - Parry, heavy charge, hit him and sp3 while he's stunned.
4 - Boon of the Gods will be deactivated but he'll have tons of bleed debuffs. Since he's stunned, there is a chance his Power Gain based on Debuffs is not triggered. In case it's triggered, keep baiting his specials until the bleeds are over.
(2 revives + potions)
Example below:
Red Skull - Another great fight. A good wait to get rid of his armor is to sp2 him and keep armor breaking him. Due to Mags AAR, it gets harder for him to get armor up buffs later.
For this fight, I've maxed out Petrify. I would stun him, hit him a couple of times until he was right on top of 2 bars of power and sp3 him (this way I could guarantee he would not get 3 bars of power). I've tried Magneto and Doctor Doom on RS and honestly Magneto was a much better option for me.
Used Doom once. Rest of the fight with Magneto (2 revives + potions)
Video below:
Omega Red - Honestly, I was running suicides without Willpower and I needed to build up Aegon's Combo. Used Magneto just once to see if he was viable. Actually he is (Omega Red can get a ton of damage). But I didn't explore this fight so much to provide a proper opinion / guidance.
Cable - I could have 1-shot him, but unfortunately his degen triggered once, so I had to revive Magneto. I typically stun him before triggering sp3. That should avoid the degen (most of the times).
(1 revive + potions)
Video below:
Last comments:
Old Man Logan: I actually used Magneto. Pretty easy fight. No secrets here.
Korg: Tried Magneto and Doom. I actually preferred Magneto, since he has class advantage and I mine is 6* R3. However, fight itself seemed very similar between both. I liked Magneto a lot since I could use either sp1 or sp2 and armor break Korg.
6* Crystals: Winter Soldier, Emma Frost, Havok (it was my first time awakening Havok)
T5CC: 2x Mutant
I actually wanted Mystic and Tech, but I was happy with those 2 -> I just didn't want more skill t5cc, so that's alright. Since there are 2 Mutant T5CC sitting there, I'll probably save one for the future and use the other one on Havok.
NEXUS: I chose skill , since I had a t5cc sitting from Abyss completion.
Both Aegon and Nick Fury were there! Decided in the end for Nick Fury, since I believe he could be potentially more useful for current content (and since there is no LOL or Abyss for me anymore).
Pretty happy about it, and ready to take it easy for the next weeks on the game.
Actually the change is huge and in my opinion necessary, in case you want to save units.
If you see my video, GG is almost half of the time armor broken, and those are the results:
SP3 bleed damage (dps) will the same with or without armor break (as you said), however:
1 - GG not armor broken:
sp3 damage: 13230
heavy hit damage: 447
final bleed burst damage: 22279
2 - GG armor broken:
sp3 damage: 50000 (damage cap)
heavy hit damage: 4798
final bleed burst damage: 171205 (this depends on the amount of bleeds each time, but this damage is around 9 times greater than GG not armor broken).
I only have Path 4 left though now and am considering him for that team. Sym Supreme was a bad fight with Void, so I'm thinking of bringing Torch instead, but that leaves Ghulk without his best counter. I'm wondering if Magneto might be a good option along with the other 3 Horseman. It will be him or Corvus as the two Killmonger's are the other fights I need to cover.