Incursion Matchemaking Should be Fixed

The Requirement to Play Different tier / Matchemake on the same tier should be different
If a player choses to play incursion 8 with a team of 20k/25k it's fine but the requirement to matchemake should be higher and the gape is funny
everytime i matchemake with a team of 50k and above i get someone who has half my team rating who dies in 3 rooms max
matchemaking in incursion 8 should be at a minimum of 35k team and if the server isn't able to find you someone after a certain wait let"s say 2minutes it should just display you a message that no other player is avalaible not threw you whatever bad match out there .. i even got matchemaked with peoples using 4*s this is crazy
as prestige gets higher for new champion 4* should be restricted from incursion 7 and 8 and the prestige gape between 2 players shouldn't exceed 5k Pi
If a player choses to play incursion 8 with a team of 20k/25k it's fine but the requirement to matchemake should be higher and the gape is funny
everytime i matchemake with a team of 50k and above i get someone who has half my team rating who dies in 3 rooms max
matchemaking in incursion 8 should be at a minimum of 35k team and if the server isn't able to find you someone after a certain wait let"s say 2minutes it should just display you a message that no other player is avalaible not threw you whatever bad match out there .. i even got matchemaked with peoples using 4*s this is crazy
as prestige gets higher for new champion 4* should be restricted from incursion 7 and 8 and the prestige gape between 2 players shouldn't exceed 5k Pi