Node 23 korg in alliance war

Today I was fighting node 23 korg in alliance war. I took my iceman but at the start of the fight he shrug off both cold snap and frost bite.Again after hitting it with sp1 cold snap was shruged off. Is it normal.
Note :- There was nothing in the node that suggested he should shrug off the coldsnap


  • Shamir51Shamir51 Member Posts: 1,161 ★★★★
    That’s Korg abilities. Have a read of his sig ability.
  • SycodSycod Member Posts: 16
    He should not shrug only cold snap with the sp1 and no rockshield.
  • Shamir51Shamir51 Member Posts: 1,161 ★★★★
    I’m sorry, what?

    Let’s break this down piece by piece.

    In your first post, you claimed that Korg “ shrug off both cold snap and frost bite” at the start of the fight. First, Iceman places a cold snap at the start of the fight when duped. He doesn’t place frostbite at the start of the fight.

    You then say Korg does this again and shrugs off the cold snap after you’ve hit him with the sp1.

    At this point, I’d ask again, have you read what Korg’s sig ability is? When his rock shield is active, he has a x% chance to shrug off any DEBUFF and he gains a rock shield charge for each debuff shrugged off this way. Cold snap is a debuff hence this is working as intended.

    In your 2nd post, you are now claiming that when you hit the sp1, Korg had no rock shields, but still shrugged off the cold snap. Without a video, it’s hard for anyone to comment. However, given that you’ve shown a slight lack of understanding in how Korg works, I’d be inclined to assume that Korg had rock shield active when the sp1 landed. There’s also every chance that he reformed rock shield at the exact same time the sp1 hit him.

    Either way, I can’t see any problems here.
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