Silver 1 alliance looking for active players

We're a rebuilding alliance looking for a few good and active players after AW season ends.
Line is mandatory
We're getting between 70m-80m pts in AQ atm and are in silver 1 for AW.
We need players that can handle map 4 or 5 in AQ.
Alliance tag = [2WATT] fortune cookie
We run AQ maps 4/4/3 with modifiers atm but looking to move up to 5/4/3 again.
If you're interested pm me ingame: WitnessedJarl
Line ID: witnessedjarl (Display name: ZeroCool)
Line is mandatory
We're getting between 70m-80m pts in AQ atm and are in silver 1 for AW.
We need players that can handle map 4 or 5 in AQ.
Alliance tag = [2WATT] fortune cookie
We run AQ maps 4/4/3 with modifiers atm but looking to move up to 5/4/3 again.
If you're interested pm me ingame: WitnessedJarl
Line ID: witnessedjarl (Display name: ZeroCool)
My line: Killer05022002
In-game: killer0502