Ghost is #metal....but why though?

She is clearly based off of Ghost in the movie Ant Man and the Wasp (based on design and release date). And if I remember clearly, the suit is used to control powers she gained from being in contact with vague quantum whatever. But neither the quantum whatevers, nor her suit, were explicitly mentioned to even contain metal. And even if her suit did contain some metal, it looks 99% non-metallic fanbric. So what exactly justifies her #metal tag? Even a #mercenary tag feels more appropriate.
And I don’t know if you have noticed guys but also Antman and Wasp have the #metal
It really doesn’t make any sense to me lol
Especially when we have characters like BPCW and Killmonger which literally have vibranium armours but no #metal tag 😂
Magneto is the Master of Magnetism.
Vibranium isn’t a ferrous metal so it is not magnetic and thus cannot be manipulated by Magneto.
There is precedence for this in the comics, but as @will-o-wisp alluded to about about Ghost- movie and comic lore are not necessarily the be all and end all with regards to the game.
Also just look at her helmet and tell me that there's no metal. Glowing red eyes without the use of metals? Come on now.
Vibranium is a metal so there should be definitely a #metal tag on BPCW and Killmonger
Then maybe make an Easter egg... For example when using Magneto against them there won’t be the “magnetised” pop up
Sorry, don't mean to hijack the thread, but I did this fight today, was curious and this seemed like an ok place rather than making a new thread.
Havok has always, and will continue to be my go-to door for denying Magnetos..
You guys just have to accept the changes, and adapt to it.