Please help us settle a best charecter debate!!

Me and a couple of allaince buddies are having a debate over the better charecter. They are declaring that dr doom is the best charecter in the game. I'm saying that quake gives him a good run for his money. Ignoring all variables and just taking the charecter at there base ,who is better? Quake or Dr Doom?
Please help us settle a best charecter debate!! 89 votes
I would personally say Quake but she would be next to useless to someone that can’t Quake and Shake or Quake and Bake.
Doom is easy to play and doesn’t take long to figure out “how” to play him. In longer fights, it requires a little more skill, but anything else, he just dominates.
Assuming you could play all 3 to their max potential, then:
Personally I would lean towards ghost because she finishes the fights 10× quicker but it's super close between them
Then Claire, then Guilly 2099, then Stealthy.
I know I'm biased 🙂
Which NBA team would win the playoffs if none of the players had ever touched a basketball before? Yup! Seems legit. 🤭🤨🤭