Well let me try to find me a home! Looking for an ally for my alt. Want something relaxed !

Looking for something relaxed
Map 3/2 , but prefer doing Map 3
Don't mind doing wars at all.
Ally must be organized, don't want extra drama and all . Could be good if I join a community of ally. Have both discord and line. Line :- slayerzz474. So I will join the ally which suits my schedule the most.

Additional comments : I can give you free advice cause I have Map 4/5 experience and tier 8-10 war experience. (I know nobody needs it). And my sense of humor is low 😂🤣😹.
Map 3/2 , but prefer doing Map 3
Don't mind doing wars at all.
Ally must be organized, don't want extra drama and all . Could be good if I join a community of ally. Have both discord and line. Line :- slayerzz474. So I will join the ally which suits my schedule the most.

Additional comments : I can give you free advice cause I have Map 4/5 experience and tier 8-10 war experience. (I know nobody needs it). And my sense of humor is low 😂🤣😹.