AW the Real Concern

Alright, look, I'm a super even tempered and amiable guy, but I'm furious about the state of AW. I'm going to do my best to stay within the rules of the forum so I can vocalize my opinion without it being taken down.

Kabam, let's talk for a second here. AW 2.0 is bad. It's broken. I know deep in my heart that you guys aren't looking at the state of the game and saying, 'yup, defender placement, regardless of difficulty, is all we care about. AW finished, enjoy guys. Get those D-list defenders ranked up so you can place them on defense.'

The problem is that you need, need, need to create a scoring system where one actually needs to make a choice between placing a good defender and a diverse one. As the game is currently, I would rather place a r3 4 star carnage than a r4 5 star Magik if one or more if my other teammates happens to have md5 and I have md4.

The game I love is based on skill and strategy. But the current state of AW doesn't call for either. I can complete a full line while losing only a tiny amount of health because my competitors are placing horrible champs for defense and strategy wise the only strategy is to place diverse champs, then easily complete 100%

Reccomendations: BRING BACK DEFENDER KILLS!!!!!. I can't stress that enough. Lower the value of defender diversity. It's a good idea that you guys completely screwed up when it came to the numbers. Lastly, and I can't believe I'm saying this, but make it a touch harder. Increase node power by 1.25x to 1.5x. Don't go nuts. Lastly, teleport nodes, just make a teleport count zero energy. Alright I'm done, I was nice, be nice, don't delete me.



  • CrDizCrDiz Member Posts: 4
    @adora @miike I'd love to hear from you guys on this.
  • Arus25Arus25 Member Posts: 158
    I remember they already announced that the aw will have changes again.
    So why are you emphasis on this now.

    So wait and see what is the new aw becomes
  • CrDizCrDiz Member Posts: 4
    Where did they state AW was changing again? As far as I know, they changed the exploration pt value and moved on. Emphasis on this now because its and integral and broken partof yhe game
  • KpatrixKpatrix Member Posts: 1,055 ★★★
    It's in the official aw 15.0 change discussion thread, somewhere after page 43 I think. It's hard to get info out of there since this isn't like the old forum where you could jump from mod post to mod post.
    They are going to work out the kinks and it probably won't come until next update at the earliest, but according to someone posting there, they are listening and fine tuning, they just don't want to keep making changes, they want to make it work and have a final version ready before releasing.
  • RapRap Member Posts: 3,223 ★★★★
    One way to get diversity would be to link defender placement to synergy. Give a buff or a point bonus for a synergized defense team. Then maybe you would see "diversity" occurring naturally rather than being forced.
  • RapRap Member Posts: 3,223 ★★★★
    You may have dormamu but of he doesn't link to the synergy will choose someone else.
  • RapRap Member Posts: 3,223 ★★★★
    Let the synergies of a specific players chosen champs remain within the map no matter how far apart they are placed. Each player providing his own seperate synergy build to the defense. You will see diversity and some interesting map placement...I am sure...
  • RapRap Member Posts: 3,223 ★★★★
    The nodes can link and the boss could be powered up by the number of synergies from everyone and that can drop as nodes drop just like in regular quests. Now we have moved back to strategy and you will push your team to use synergies not a solo "latest and greatest"
  • RapRap Member Posts: 3,223 ★★★★
    In order to drop the buff provided by a team member all of thier champs have to be put you encourage an attempt at 100 percent completion because those champs could be spread all over...
  • RapRap Member Posts: 3,223 ★★★★
    Then a rush to the boss would be out of the question. He could be amped up to beyond "realm of legends" with the nodes up and no matter how awsome your one "rare" champ you will get your proverbial "@××" handed to you.
  • RapRap Member Posts: 3,223 ★★★★
    So for example...I use a six champ xmen squad with 13 synergy buffs the boss gets buff (x)×13. My Avengers squad would be buff(x) × wouldn't want an entire map of xmen so you won't let everyone on the team place that squad. But you will look at how you can synergize and get class variety.
  • RapRap Member Posts: 3,223 ★★★★
    And amp up your boss as high as possible.
  • RapRap Member Posts: 3,223 ★★★★
    Now it is truly "strategy" how do we diversify and maximize our bosses synergy boost...
  • Vindictive_000Vindictive_000 Member Posts: 10
    I think its horrible. AW is a joke
  • RapRap Member Posts: 3,223 ★★★★
    Do away with the current power up node structure because all of the nodes become powered up by the players own synergy. Hide the synergy links that give the boss (x) ×13. Allow hidden nodes. Then once a team has cleared a large portion of the map and the boss still has a x13 buff they will have to study the map and try to figure out what node is maintaining the boost that they have missed or need to compensate with boost chips for, because they opted to end run that section...and I think lower alliances would finally have a chance to beat some of the upper levels....
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