A different approach

In the past I've posted polls to get opinions on rankups, studied tier lists, planned around future content - and totally stressed myself out to find the "perfect choice" that fills a niche gap in my roster.
This morning I tried a brand new approach - ranking up a champ that I just love playing. That's it. It took about 60 seconds to decide who it would be.
Yeah, he's a solid, but not the best. I passed over some champs that would seriously bring a tear to your eye.
Damn it feels good!

This morning I tried a brand new approach - ranking up a champ that I just love playing. That's it. It took about 60 seconds to decide who it would be.
Yeah, he's a solid, but not the best. I passed over some champs that would seriously bring a tear to your eye.
Damn it feels good!

Congrats and enjoy!
I get some champs make content easier but its your time and sweat being put into the game.