Limbo Sux

Limbo shouldnt be a thing the damaging aspect of it of course like theres only 2 out of like more than a hundred that counters limbo at least make it so that it wont kill you just drops u to the last percentage of your health
Quite ridiculous
There's a stack of good Magik counters out there that either prevent her gaining power to activate Limbo, or regen back the damage done.
While we're at it, let's also remove the poison, bleed, shock, incinerate nodes since there's only a few counters. lol
Any Ability Accuracy Reduction champ will work - Blade, Black Widow, Crossbones, Electra, Ronin, Night Thrasher, even Kingpin!
CapIW will work if he pushes her over a power bar with an SP1.
Power Control with someone who keeps you permanently low will work too - Dormammu and Psylocke will be good at this, and Dr Octopus. Vision and Dr Doom not so good, since they'll tend to push her over a bar of Power before draining it again, which is a little counterproductive...
As another option, someone like CAIW, Void or She-Hulk can use Petrify, then batter her whilst she's in Limbo, and she'll take extra damage when she tries to heal it back.
The only thing missing in this post is cheese for the OP.
Power control, such as vision or magik herself
Mitigation of limbo, such as energy damage resist from guardian/Havok, omega red’s spores or ghulk’s face me passive.
And then u got even champs like Hyperion who don’t need to give her too much power because you’ll spam sp1 which gives little power.
I’d say there are at least 20 champions that can outright counter her, and another 30 or so that can effectively work around it.