Act 6.3 Boost Quick Guide [Infographic]

Quick guide to the Act 6.3 Boosts. Boosts are organized by the quest and path that they are intended to be used for. Thank you to u/sifakaster for organizing the specific paths per boost in the 6.3 Megathread. They’re technically not locked to specific quests within 6.3, but those are what they were designed for. Boosts cannot be used anywhere outside of 6.3 and are class restricted.
Disclaimer: I haven’t explored 6.3 yet (I made this guide because I needed it also haha), so I have relied on the knowledge and expertise of others to add a little “MVP” section. Shoutout to Jnikolas92, Karatemike415, and Kam/ChipDangerCockaroo for their help. Champs listed vary in effectiveness with the boosts/quests, and this is only meant to be a quick guide, not a comprehensive one. Please make sure to do you own research/planning to figure out what works best for you. Take these suggestions with a grain of salt.
Also not all boosts are that great! You don’t necessarily need to build a team around one, depending on the path (on the flip side, some are SUPER clutch). If anyone who has explored 6.3 wants to chip in any info here about what is worth skipping, that would be really great!
Higher quality version of this guide available here:
Jnikolas’s 6.3 Breakdown Spreadsheet:
Also can you use the for act 7? If so does anyone have suggestions where these boosts would be most useful, if able to use in act 7
But, thanks.
I will save the image