New Alliance Event Rewards

Alliance War Rewards are being looked at as said by miike or someone on the staff team however have you stopped to think about these absurd PHC shards/t1-t2 BASIC catalysts we are getting? Yeah, these are good for like a 600k alliance but doesn't help out when you're mid-tier+.
PHCs are decent but I believe we should be earning grandmaster uncollected shards now for alliances like 6mil+ rated. Just like how they did The Uncollected crystals update, they can do the same for alliance event rewards. I really am tired of getting T1/t2basics. T3, basics should be minimum of what we get at our stage because atleast we can use them.
PHCs are decent but I believe we should be earning grandmaster uncollected shards now for alliances like 6mil+ rated. Just like how they did The Uncollected crystals update, they can do the same for alliance event rewards. I really am tired of getting T1/t2basics. T3, basics should be minimum of what we get at our stage because atleast we can use them.