Heavy Hitter node

The heavy hitter node gives the defender an unstoppable that lingers for around 2-3 seconds after the heavy is over. Now these 2 seconds are very crucial for the attacker to punish the heavy attack. The heavy attacks for its entire duration are unstoppable that is fine , that is what the node is supposed to do. But why linger after the animation is over. This needs to be fixed I believe. The animation is over and the character is standing still for 2-3 seconds and still has unstoppable up. This needs to be changed.
Not a big deal but can matter a lot on nodes like the heavy hitter domino and nick fury in AW. Where you get backed into the corner and no way out other than intercept which also does not happen if the enemy does not dash at you and keeps throwing heavies
Not a big deal but can matter a lot on nodes like the heavy hitter domino and nick fury in AW. Where you get backed into the corner and no way out other than intercept which also does not happen if the enemy does not dash at you and keeps throwing heavies
It lasts for the recovery phase of the Heavy attack, meaning the opponent won't respond if you try to punish it (unless you're using She-Hulk 😉)
Personally, I would definitely prefer if the Unstoppable only lasted till the attack landed - the Heavy-Hitter node had been around since before Kabam introduced many opponents who effectively removed other ways of opening an attack. It's clearly intentional; but I agree, it gets pretty annoying when you're fighting an opponent you'd normally try to draw out and punish Heavies on, like Mole Man or Red Skull - you can't hit into their block, and now can't punish a Heavy attack either. Similarly, opponents with non-contact attacks (like Domino or IMIW) become a lot trickier on this node since you already can't parry. Most of those champs didn't exist when HH was introduced to the game (I think the only opponent it made problematic was Rhino).
Fortunately there are an increasing number of champs with Slow debuffs; who are good counters. I don't think it's going to change any time, I'm afraid.