Thor Jane Foster rework?

When is it the Queen of Asgard's time to shine? She is beyond trash in-game and it makes me sad.
And don't give me that: "sHE's a sTuN mAcHinE". Yes, sometimes you get lucky with chain stuns, but even then her damage is beyond pitiful and she has nothing else going for her.
Please rework her and restore her to her rightful glory!
I dom't say she is great, she would definitely use some rework, but it's unfair to say she is "beyond terrible".
- "Yes, sometimes you get lucky with chain stuns, but even then her damage is beyond pitiful", even with the guaranteed crits
- "And don't give me that: "sHE's a sTuN mAcHinE""
- The staggers are nice, but that's just part of being a mystic
I can do that too. Joe has healing, weakness, fatigue, increased critical rate, increased attack based on lost health, poison immune, bleeds, stun on SP2
And regardless, he still sucks. Listing a few abilities doesn't make a champion good.