Little Additions that would make Invisible Woman much better.

So Kabam and Community, I’m doing this because I fell like IW is missing key things on her kit that would make her much better and less stressful to use.
Well Time Block: Whenever Invisible does a Well time block her invisibility is not lost.
(It’s hard to use her without being able to parry, having this addition would help her to keep the Rythim for longer.
Vulnerability: 5 Stacks: Whenever a opponent uses a Projectile Special Attack, IW does not lose Invisibility and causes the opponent to miss all attacks.
(I putted this especifically because of Special Attacks like Punisher 2099, Punisher, Falcon that are really hard or even impossible to dex)
10 Stacks: Gains a True Strike Buff lasting indefinitely that causes her to ignore defense, armor, evasion.
( I putted this because while playing Vs Spider-Man Heroes or other characters with high evasion it causes her to lose all Vulnerability Charges, which makes her play through much stressful.
25-50 Stacks: Gains 5% of her force field every second.
( I putted this became her SP2 is her main form of damage. If you don’t know she gains a passive fury that scales with her force field. Making that process faster would allow a more smooth gameplay with the character, instead of having to use multiple SP3 to gain 100 Force field)
Synergy with Mister Fantastic: Oponents start the fight with 5 vunerabily. If she’s Awakened the invisibility is paused until the opponent misses or hit her.
So those are my thoughts on her. This will make her more realistic and fun to play. Share your thoughts at the comment section.
Well Time Block: Whenever Invisible does a Well time block her invisibility is not lost.
(It’s hard to use her without being able to parry, having this addition would help her to keep the Rythim for longer.
Vulnerability: 5 Stacks: Whenever a opponent uses a Projectile Special Attack, IW does not lose Invisibility and causes the opponent to miss all attacks.
(I putted this especifically because of Special Attacks like Punisher 2099, Punisher, Falcon that are really hard or even impossible to dex)
10 Stacks: Gains a True Strike Buff lasting indefinitely that causes her to ignore defense, armor, evasion.
( I putted this because while playing Vs Spider-Man Heroes or other characters with high evasion it causes her to lose all Vulnerability Charges, which makes her play through much stressful.
25-50 Stacks: Gains 5% of her force field every second.
( I putted this became her SP2 is her main form of damage. If you don’t know she gains a passive fury that scales with her force field. Making that process faster would allow a more smooth gameplay with the character, instead of having to use multiple SP3 to gain 100 Force field)
Synergy with Mister Fantastic: Oponents start the fight with 5 vunerabily. If she’s Awakened the invisibility is paused until the opponent misses or hit her.
So those are my thoughts on her. This will make her more realistic and fun to play. Share your thoughts at the comment section.