6* Emma frost or Havok to r3?

Bpn88855Bpn88855 Member Posts: 464 ★★
Hi guys,

need your help to decide what to r3 6*. Rank Emma or Havok (undupped), or wait for Domino or Sunspot? Had the same poll in past but with new throne braker title want to decide again. I have 5* Domino r5, have 5* Sunspot r4. I have Void 5* r5 so i have incinerate immune champs. I am trying to play Havok and Emma both r2 already. For now i am playing more with emma, crits are not so stable, but still i like her. Havok mostly at def and currently left 2 paths at 6.3.3 against havok boss.

Thanks in advance!

6* Emma frost or Havok to r3? 19 votes

6* Havok to r3 (undupped)
Lvernon15EtjamaddomSarvanga1_MauledRenaxqqTrashPanda12CrcrcrcBurrito2525Yodabolt21[Deleted User]RubbixZhahovic7 13 votes
6* Emma Frost to r3 (undupped)
TerraJack_OHaraBonzodavidMagnaAngemon_3336HAVOC6INC_6 5 votes
Wait for others god mutants
Devilghost64 1 vote


  • Lvernon15Lvernon15 Member Posts: 11,599 ★★★★★
    6* Havok to r3 (undupped)
    Unduped the only mutant I’d r3 over havok is magneto
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