Punisher 2099

Has anyone seen the Punisher 2099 tweak? It seems like a massive disappointment. His damage still seems mediocre at best. Kabam got the Hulkbuster and Magneto buffs right yet blew this one. Anyone see the same thing?
If a champion isn’t going to have crazy immunities or utility then what’s does it matter how hard he hits if their damage is their one major defining characteristic. Starlord and Proxima aren’t bad champions, but they’re often over looked or forgotten because all they offer is damage and that’s enough for me to rate them highly. When’s the last time someone said Starlord is worth a gem or r5? The only thing that makes these two worth using is their crazy damage and Punishers falls under them, but I could be underrating his power control ability.
To help make my point I’d put og Vision over Pun even those he doesn’t hit as hard, he does have immunities so he doesn’t have to in my opinion which is something I see as balance. Vision can control power just as efficiently if not better then Pun while having a wider breadth of fights. Punisher is either well balanced with his power control, regen and damage or underwhelming enough to fall under Proxima and Starlord. Boosting his damage would only help to keep him relevant and he still wouldn’t come close to breaking the game. There’s no reason he shouldn’t hit harder, but I suppose there’s no reason he should.