So I can be the proud owner of an entire t2alpha for only TWO HUNDRED DOLLARS ?!? And I need 4 total to do anything, so that's 8 hundred dollars? This is real?
The people who buy this are the ones who are less than 9k shards away from making 4 full t2a's. I am sure Kabam has lots of data on where everyone is and makes the offer just to dangle that carrot. I have to give them credit, they sure know how to extract a buck. Plus many are short on t1as, so 10 of those look enticing to some as well. The sad fact is none of this matters. They could give away a whole 5 star to everyone, (wait they did that last month) it won't change a thing in terms of game balance.
Yeh ... money is not the answer to everything
it kind of is with business's
There has never been a more accurate statement.