Who's the best Apocalypse Horseman and why?

Have a 6* Apocalypse and debating which other mutants to rank up for Horseman use. I also have a 5* R5 Prox X. Thoughts appreciated.
Who's the best Apocalypse Horseman and why? 153 votes
I can't wait to do the biohazard, bleed vulnerability path somewhere in 6.2.1 or 6.2.2 with him as a horseman.
Which means I really need to learn to hoard shards for Apocalypse.
The stack of neuron toxic is beyond insane
Or best as in champ that exploits the horseman buff best, imo that might be Cable or Storm. Cable doesn’t need horseman for his degen stacks tho, so prob Storm. They’re the only ones that go from not even being considered to possible regular rotation w Apocalypse teams.
Kabam feel free to delete this one
Horseman+OR synergy
Casually throwing 35k heavy crits. Not even mentioning SP2 crits. Crazy. And his sustain is insane as well. I even outdamaged good ol' Wolvie.
I'm in the same boat again.
buying mutant-skill until i get NT