No more duel credits?

I don't seem to be getting duel credits anymore. Everyone getting the same? I used to have 20 odd sat in overflow all the time and now I don't seem to be replacing them at all.
I don't actually know where they came from in the first place cause I never had to think about it before
I don't actually know where they came from in the first place cause I never had to think about it before
And they have been removed when they updated the Solo Events, Solo Crystals, and the Event rewards.
They should just have free duels.
So has to still be some limiting factor to them (just like Energy is).
Proposal... Maybe beside the 5 free Duels you get every day, additional ones could switch to costing some # of Arena Battlechips (instead of costing 5 Units) ??
Or remove Duel fights from counting for Event points (but not sure ppl would want that).