Do you want alliance arenas to come back?

For those who don't know, Alliance arenas were arenas found alongside normal arenas. And they were pretty much the same, save for the fact that your entire alliance was working to earn points for a featured champion at a 100 million point milestone (about 3.4 mil doesn't sound so bad nowadays, does it?) This was early on in the game, around late May to August 2015. The last champion that was featured in an Alliance arena was Yellowjacket.
It's funny looking back now realizing that the guys in the top alliances put up 100M plus for Ant-Man.
Yeah, if Kabam wants to calm the recently generally irate player base by introducing more content, this is that way to go.
It really didn't, if you're forced to grind the arena than you are in the wrong alliance lol. They should understand that life comes first. It's been like over a year now since that happened, everything would be different now.
AQ still has its moments, but I have to agree with you on the fact that AW is currently a garbage fire.
That's the first time I've seen cheating allegations here in a while.
Now, I wouldn't mind trying it out if it ever came back.
Even in my best alliance just (maybe) max 8 dudes were grinding.
Yep, it's easy to say you should move to the right alliance, but hard in real world.
Plus, add you should find 30 grinders and dedicated AW/AQ players too and etc.
Link it here?
If you don't trust anyone else in your alliance to at least help work towards this, it sounds like you need a better alliance.