We are a solid, stable team that plays smart.We are gold 1-2, we are pretty relaxed, my goal is to have a chill alliance, with not a lot of pressure, but decent rewards. It needs to be fun, not a burnout, I only ask that AQ and AW are taken care of, everything else is your pace. You will be tagged if needed. no minimums for events, no drama. We are running 55544 for 180-200 mil. we move fast, everyone does their part. We are all pretty much veteran players, that have done the grind and got burned out. we hit 500k to 750k for SA, most alliance event milestones reached. Our diversity is 149 to 150. I'm very involved and organized.
Hey angelocrtz, if alliance war doesn't matter to you, we are an alliance that gets 400 mil AQ with 6x5 with the occasional map 7. If you are interested, would love to chat.
We are a solid, stable team that plays smart.We are gold 1-2, we are pretty relaxed, my goal is to have a chill alliance, with not a lot of pressure, but decent rewards. It needs to be fun, not a burnout, I only ask that AQ and AW are taken care of, everything else is your pace. You will be tagged if needed. no minimums for events, no drama. We are running 55544 for 180-200 mil. we move fast, everyone does their part. We are all pretty much veteran players, that have done the grind and got burned out. we hit 500k to 750k for SA, most alliance event milestones reached. Our diversity is 149 to 150. I'm very involved and organized.
Line ID- UndefinedKid01
IGN- BloodKid01
Line ID: Saltykappa