Red Goblin v Iceman

TendersquadTendersquad Member Posts: 198
With ice armor up, I took Goblin to SP3 but the armor didnt protect me from taking more than 5% health. Anyone know Red Goblin's abilities enough yet to explain that one?


  • Hammerbro_64Hammerbro_64 Member Posts: 7,463 ★★★★★
    edited October 2020
    Does it armor break or nullify? I haven’t looked at RG’s abilities yet. AAR is another reason for failing it

    Edit: just look stuff up on and you would have known if he had a fury buff when launching an L3, you are probably gonna get armor breaks. That took me 30 seconds.
  • TendersquadTendersquad Member Posts: 198
    So regardless if ice armor is fully formed prior to, its broken during SP3 and therefore takes damage?
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