Auto Fight in Arena

Hi Kabam,
Could there be the addition of auto fight in arena, same way as quest auto fight, you have to select the button before or during etc, you still have to navigate the screen manually as it is now in quest, just the auto fight button.
My main reason for this suggestion is so that I can work and grind the milestones in arena without too much or as much interaction.
I don't see this as a benefit when compared to someone actually playing the arena as they tend to get through them faster, its just so I/we can save time and multi-task a little bit with real life stuff.
I'm sure the community will have a view on this suggestion.
Could there be the addition of auto fight in arena, same way as quest auto fight, you have to select the button before or during etc, you still have to navigate the screen manually as it is now in quest, just the auto fight button.
My main reason for this suggestion is so that I can work and grind the milestones in arena without too much or as much interaction.
I don't see this as a benefit when compared to someone actually playing the arena as they tend to get through them faster, its just so I/we can save time and multi-task a little bit with real life stuff.
I'm sure the community will have a view on this suggestion.
unless they had the auto feature cut off after the milestone rewards or something
It would be a bot for arena. No.
The grind in arena is necessary for some, milestones, B/Cs, shards, alliance events etc but at the same time, it can be very time consuming, just trying to suggest a way that this can be alleviated to a degree but at the same time have minimal effect on the dynamic and balance of the game.
The competition is to gain enough Points for the desired goal, and you do so against the scores of other Players.
There should totally be a simulate button like NBA live.
You should be able to select one arena fight or all three.
Also you should select all heroes and it would auto-slot fights so you don't have to waste time picking and choosing.
Also you should auto-ask-for-help for all champs, cause seriously.
Also extend it to Event and story quests.
I suppose you can't do it for aw or aq but if you take out that time element you totally should.
Also for the login rewards simulate that too so I don't have to do that every day seriously.
Maybe just a simulate win everything would really save me a lot of time so I can do other things, like wonk on a message board.
That is all.
Auto fight will not guarantee you a win in arena. Even at streak, player will loose if he/she forgot to tap tap tap.
Thus, you might never reach 1.5 mil.
I don't care for feature, too much time required, just the milestones for me.