N-L-A recruiting

N-L-A is Currently a 11.8mil, weekly t4cc alliance with a 2400 war rating that is going to start dialing it back a bit. Many members want to take a well deserved break from the constant grind this game expects of you. However, after the break, we will be back to our old self and move back into the top 300 spot. If you are wanting a spot (enough to perhaps fill a BG) please let me know. Need to have 1 or 2 r4 5* champs and have a prestige of 4.9k to 5.0K. this way we can ramp back up and get those rewards again.
In game name: Shanetwo1 message me if this fits your go forward plan.
In game name: Shanetwo1 message me if this fits your go forward plan.