Guys, who should I use for the fight? I've tried several times with ghost but she simply can't outdamage the regen from vigor. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Due to vigor that fight will be long but ghost can phase that poison. Use one hit combos to reduce your frustration (maybe😊😊). Iceman is an another option. If u can keep up the bane that will help too (just remain careful).
Guys, who should I use for the fight? I've tried several times with ghost but she simply can't outdamage the regen from vigor. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Tried rogue last night. She beats the poison node easy but it’s fairly tough to keep the furies live which is key to out damaging the regen. With a bit of practice it could be done but probs easier to boost the heck out of ghost. Messed it up touching him during his sp1 but it’s a fun way to play him. If they do a standalone crossbones fight at some point like current event I’ll be using her and nailing it.
Tried voodoo as I used him to clear the path there. He actually worked. Survived the poison just due to his own regen buff and then sp1 rotation works well to keep the regen in check and he has quite a few buffs to convert. Problem here is you have to do the fight on very low health but with a bit of skill and patience it could be soloed. Got him half down pretty quick before getting tagged.
Update: Crossbones is down! Ranked up my iceman to 3/45 and went in full boosted. It was actually a pretty easy fight, and if I didn't mess up when he was at 20%, it would've been a solo. Onto Sentinel!
Tried voodoo as I used him to clear the path there. He actually worked. Survived the poison just due to his own regen buff and then sp1 rotation works well to keep the regen in check and he has quite a few buffs to convert. Problem here is you have to do the fight on very low health but with a bit of skill and patience it could be soloed. Got him half down pretty quick before getting tagged.