Veteran semi-retired group looking for higher members or possible merger

I was recently handed over the leader position for my alliance. I've played since march of 2015 and a lot of the guys still left in my group have been around probably just as long. Right now we have 22 members and honestly about 15-18 are the solid core guys who I want to keep around. Even with our 22 member roster our average player rating is over 800k. Our top members including myself are in the mid 1.5 million - 2 million range. So our skill level is there, but what I need is ACTIVITY.
Nothing against who ran us before, but they were exclusively a retirement group. Nothing was required and they played lower AQ maps and hovered in the silver tier of war. We have enough activity to fill one solid battlegroup currently. I really want to turn this group around and keep all of us still invested in the game, we still enjoy playing and want some solid rewards with as little stress as possible.
I am open to individual players joining to fill the ranks, or a group wanting to find a place to merge a number of people.
I want to keep things somewhat relaxed and I can guarantee we won't be running high tier war or pushing people to be super competitive. It's not going to be a group where you die in war and get booted. But I want to find a balance and push our activity level across the board, and grow together. I had two guys talking to me about a possible merger but that fell through on their end. So here's hoping someone sees this and finds us.
Our group is "Grandpa's Dirty Secret" (tag is GRAMP) and we use line mostly for communication. My user name on Line is Nick Caine. If what I described above sounds like something up your alley, or you're still growing your account but have a decent enough roster to run war and quest and are playing every day still, please feel free to contact me either on this forum or in Line as well. In game name is Nick Caine, you can add me as a friend and message me on there and we can talk more details.
Come smash things with us and keep the grind stress free with decent rewards. If you've been playing this as long as we have and want alliance rewards with the freedom to join aq or war when you want, we're the perfect group. Help me make this group what I wanted in an alliance for a long time. Hope to hear from you soon!
Nothing against who ran us before, but they were exclusively a retirement group. Nothing was required and they played lower AQ maps and hovered in the silver tier of war. We have enough activity to fill one solid battlegroup currently. I really want to turn this group around and keep all of us still invested in the game, we still enjoy playing and want some solid rewards with as little stress as possible.
I am open to individual players joining to fill the ranks, or a group wanting to find a place to merge a number of people.
I want to keep things somewhat relaxed and I can guarantee we won't be running high tier war or pushing people to be super competitive. It's not going to be a group where you die in war and get booted. But I want to find a balance and push our activity level across the board, and grow together. I had two guys talking to me about a possible merger but that fell through on their end. So here's hoping someone sees this and finds us.
Our group is "Grandpa's Dirty Secret" (tag is GRAMP) and we use line mostly for communication. My user name on Line is Nick Caine. If what I described above sounds like something up your alley, or you're still growing your account but have a decent enough roster to run war and quest and are playing every day still, please feel free to contact me either on this forum or in Line as well. In game name is Nick Caine, you can add me as a friend and message me on there and we can talk more details.
Come smash things with us and keep the grind stress free with decent rewards. If you've been playing this as long as we have and want alliance rewards with the freedom to join aq or war when you want, we're the perfect group. Help me make this group what I wanted in an alliance for a long time. Hope to hear from you soon!