War Machine New Cheese Synergy?

I’ve recently noticed a new synergy that Tigra has with War Machine and I had thought of it as useless at first but then I’ve come to think of ways to regenerate health such as Deadpool/fury or OG Thor/heimdall. Could this synergy potentially be a Thing 2.0 type synergy? I’ve looked at his abilities along with the synergy and he can get from 24k-28k total armor rating by hitting 25% hp. And along with that... he gets 300% attack rating during specials from those armor ups on top of fury buffs giving in total +190% attack.
...I’ve never seen a champion with that much armor rating and even with diminishing returns that sounds like little to none block damage. I can’t even imagine the special damage with all those attack increases and the armor breaks from his specials. Recoil or block damage put you under 25%? You could just heal back up in that fight or the next. Sounds pretty intriguing.

...I’ve never seen a champion with that much armor rating and even with diminishing returns that sounds like little to none block damage. I can’t even imagine the special damage with all those attack increases and the armor breaks from his specials. Recoil or block damage put you under 25%? You could just heal back up in that fight or the next. Sounds pretty intriguing.
